Birthday party

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What ?

I blink confused, but it is still the ceiling in my room I see. But it can't be. I cradle my head, trying to remember how I got home from the forest. Was it just one of my weird dreams ?

"Damn I am just about ready for the asylum". I mumble to myself, pulling the duvet of. My feet hits something soft on the floor. When I look down my stomach makes a backflip and I pull my feet back up with a yelp. In front of the bed is the white dress, as dirty as it can get. I try not to look down while I rumble for my phone and Call Davina.

"It's me". My voice breaks. "When are you coming over ?"

"In a couple of hours. What's the rush doll ?" Davina mumbles, sounding very sleepy.

"Nothing really.. or well it can wait till you get here. See you later okay ?"

"You sure do".

I bite my lip nervously, leaning over the edge of the bed, staring at the dirty dress. The picture of Mark scared face popping up in my head.

It wasn't a dream ! I pull my legs up to my chin and fold my arms around them..

"Pull yourself together. It doesn't have to be that bad. It was just that super full moon". I whisper to myself, rocking back and forth. There is probably a totally natural explanation to it all. Maybe a shower Will clear up my brain. Stiffly I get out of bed, making sure I don't step on the dress. I sudden hunch makes me grab the dress and throw it into the bottom of my closet.

I am getting dressed after my shower when I hear the doorbell. It is all in Your head Soleil ! I stare at my pale face in the mirror, my image staring back, not looking totally convinced. I pull my shirt on. That Sarah woman must have spiced the meat balls with something. Didn't they taste a bit weird ? There is a totally rational explanation ! I take a deep breath and go to greet a couple of my mothers friends, who has come early to help.

"Happy birthday you big girl". Michelle twittered, giving me a warm hug.

"She isn't a girl any longer, she is a young woman now". Lena corrected her, pushing her way past her friend. "Congratulations sweetie".

"I can't believe she is already eighteen". My mom came into the hallway, hugging both of them.

"Here is Your present from us". Michelle said, handing me a beautifully wrapped present.

I took it and quickly opened it, it was a brand new iphone.

"Oh wow, I can finally let the old one rest peace. Thank you so much". I say, giving them both a big hug.

"It's from Your mother to sweetie". Michelle say. "She felt bad for you that you didn't have a smartphone".

"Thanks mom". I say hugging her tightly.

"Oh it was nothing, I am just happy you like it". She mumble, but I can hear the emotions in her voice

We spend most of the morning cleaning, my mom is scared shitless that my grandmother is going to find a dirty spot anywhere, so she is commanding the rest of us around like a general.

When the doorbell rings again, I hurry out there, hearing a lot of noise and Davina's panicked voice. "Help !"

The hallway is a mess of paper plates, plastic cutlery, plastic cups, paper tablecloths and birthday stuff and in the middle Davina stands looking forlorn. "I thought I could carry it all in one go, didn't work".

"Who are you and what have you don't to my gloomy friend". I ask ironically.

"You like ?" Davina twirls making her dark blue summer dress blow out around her.

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