Gods and goddesses

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It is agony pulling myself to school the rest of the week. Luckily we are so close to exams, that everyone is focused on that. I keep to myself or Davina, so I don't see Zac much. Every time I spot him, I turn and walk the other way. Davina tries lighten up my spirits to her best ability and I do my best to look okay. I wish I really felt okay or that I just felt something, bust truth is that Zac has left an empty space behind. It had become a habit that he was there and that I at least could dream about me and him together. Now I know it will never happen and it keeps pulling me deeper into a dark hole.

Only at night in my dreams I am free. There I am happy. The dreams are always the same; I am in my safe stone circle and dancing in the dusk with the creatures from the wood, I sing with the shadows in the rocks and I play with the light orbs hovering above me. When dusk goes to darkness the forest goes silent and the creatures disappear.

The same scenario repeat itself every time - first I hear a deep growl and then I see the enormous figure, making the trees rattle. After that a hissing sound and a hoarse laughter from the other side. The creatures moved into the open space at the same time. The big monster with the shining green eyes roars angrily at me and the smaller figure hisses while it's sharp nails scratches on the stone it hides behind. The weirdest thing is that I am not afraid. I know that they would kill me if they could get to me, but I am still just standing there, totally calm, because I know they can't enter the stone circle.

The dream is getting more vivid and detailed each time I have it, but I never see the creatures clearly. They both stay hidden in the shadows. When the give up on getting to me, they spot each other and the frustration and build up anger makes them attack each other. They tumble into the dark forest and I can hear them snarl and hiss as they are fighting.

I always wake up feeling that the dreams are trying to tell me something, like there is a message , but I just can't fully grasp it. The feeling of freedom still linger in my body as I am trying to pull myself out of bed. I wish I could keep this feeling all day, because I miss feeling something beside pain and sorrow. God I am tired of feeling like a zombie. In the end the empty nothingness always remain the free feeling and I am pulled back to the hole.

With a sigh I grab my phone. I want to call Davina and ask her to do something, anything that can make me forget him for a moment. But when I find her name on the list, my eyes slide to the name underneath it.

Mark. Of course ! Freedom and belonging exist in the real World to. I had experienced it in the circle I made, and maybe Mark can help me get it back.

"It's Mark". His friendly voice sounded from the other end.

"Hi it's Soleil. You know Davina's friend". I say.

"Oh yeah. Well hello Sol. What's up ?" I can hear the smile in his voice.

"I was wondering if you were free ? Because then.. Well maybe I could come by and we could talk about.. that thing". I feel nervous.

"That wicca thing". He says with a small laugh. "Sure you can. I am home this afternoon if you like to come by there".

"Sounds perfect. I need a break from studying to the exam anyways". I say. I am failing anyway.

"Oh happy that time is long gone for me. But see you later then". He say and we end the phone call.

Later as I stand outside Marks door I almost regret and walk away. But the memory of the magic circle makes me change my mind.

"Well hi again". He says as he opens the door and shows me inside.

Marks lives in a small one bedroom apartment, not very far from my house. His living room is a chaos of computer equipment, graphic novels and cd's with heavy metal music. On three walls are impressing display of fantasy swords and against the last wall is what looks like an alter with ritual stuff. From the web pages I recognize the cauldron, the pentagram and the black dagger Athame.

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