We are figthing what ?

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I lay in the bed, staring at the ceiling. What is this place ? Trolls and elves and monsters out to get me. Women with wings.

I get up, starting to pack my few belongings in my bag, while trying to figure out which way to run to get away without getting lost in the wilderness. I stop when my imagination tells me how I will fall down a ravine and break my leg ending up dying alone. My body with rot away and never be found. I mumble annoyed, pushing my hair behind my ears. I didn't Think that through. And Siri has told me I can leave if I want to, so I Can just ask her to drive me home.

But then the memories hits me, the ones the trolls and elves showed me. I look sadly at my bag. This is where I belong. My dreams had come true here. The stone circle, the little hill, I can't tell myself it isn't true anymore. The balance. The vaetter. The hamram. Yeah it is scary. But isn't the worst part over now when I have met the different beings ? What more could the women possibly hide ?

I sigh and walk out into the kitchen. Gudrun and Marta are doing the dishes. Gudrun looks up. "Morning sleepyhead, or more like evening".

"Evening ? What time is it ?" I look at her with confusion. I feel so good and resten that I actually thought I had slept all through the night.

"Just around seven, you have only slept a couple of hours". Marta says. "Come get some dinner. When you have eaten you are going for a walk with Gudrun".

"Where are we going ?" I asked before taking a big bite of the sandwich she had handed me.

"We are going down to the bog. Siri thought I should introduce you to my kin and see if you recognise anyone there. We are grasping at straws, because you have already met the elves, but we might as well try". Gudrun say.

"Recognise ? I only know you guys up here". I say taking another bite.

"No not like that". Gudrun laughs softly. "When you meet you kin it will feel like you already know her or him.  It's like an old friend you haven't seen in a long time and who finally has come home. We are not sure why, but we have a theory. You see the connection..".

"I Think we should wait with that theory until after the out-sitting tonight". Marta interrupted, putting away the last plate. "Then she can better decide for herself, when we have been looking for newly changed".

"But I am not newly changed or what it is. Am I ?" I try to not speak with my mouth full.

The women sends each other a fast glanze and Marta nods.

"No you have been called to the vǫlur. We got a glimpse of you at the last full moon. But it was first when you got Your calling we could see where you were". Gudrun winks at me. "Actually we should have been in the circle last night. The power of the full moon is for three nights, so we look for newly changed hamram and newly called vǫlur".

"The power of the full moon ? It sounds like you are looking for werewolves". I laugh, stuffing the last bite into my mouth.

They suddenly stop in their track and look nervously at each other, none of them saying anything. I stop chewing, feeling the bread grow in my mouth. My voice is just a whisper. "Holy fuck.. that can't be true".

"Uhh you see.. ". Gudrun smiles nervously.

"We thought you had talked to Siri about it". Marta says.

"Or figured it out.. I mean you are dreaming about them". Gudrun says apologetic.

"Are you saying that you are running around playing Buffy ? Is that the ones you Call hamram ? Are they werewolves ?" I might be about to panic.

"What did you expect ?" Gudrun says softly.

"I don't fucking know ! I thought they had turned into wolves back then. That my dreams just told me they had once been humans, but now they were wolves, like real wolves". I say.

"Well firstly... ". Marta starts.

"I am sorry we haven't been completely honest sweetie". Siri shows up in the door. "We usually do all this much slower". She sits down next to me, hushing Marta and Gudrun who Tried to apologies for saying to much.

"Today you would probably call these shapechangers for werewolves, but back when Tordis called down the curse, they were called hamram. Not to mix them up with the fantasy monsters from books and movies, we have kept this name". Siri leaned over the table, grabbing a sandwich. Hamram simple means a human who are able to change their skin. They are very much real, and it is our calling to stop them".

"How can you..win against werewolves ? Aren't they like huge wolf men with very scary teeth ?" I remember my dream. "They do, they have huge teeth". I start slightly hyperventilating.

"Calm down sweetie. Look at me". Siri says. "We have fought them a lot of time and we are still here".

"But if one of the monsters from my dreams is a werewolf". I look worried as Siri. "What is the other being ? A vampire ? Are those for real too ?"

"No that is pure superstition". Siri laughs, placing her hand on top of mine giving it a small squeeze. "If I have to be completely honest, I don't know what the dark one is, but together we might be able to figure it out. But I won't lie to you. If you follow us in a this battle, it will be hard and painful. You will be hurt sometimes and you could risk sacrificing your life for the calling". Siri gets a sad look in her eyes. "We haven't always only been three. We have lost sisters along the way and some have given up the calling to live a normal life. But this is how it is. Being in a war, even in the real world. You won't be alone though, we are together in this".

"But how ? I mean no offence, but you don't exactly look like super ninja ladies". I curse internally, I should have ran away like I planned.  Trolls and elves I can handle, and I can handle singing out of key with nature and things like that. But werewolves and wars this is crazy.

Marts huffs indignantly and Gudrun chokes down a giggle. Siri looks at them sternly, before she turns to look at me. "Well nonetheless we are still alive, so maybe we know a couple of tricks". She sends me a warm smile. "Don't jump to conclusions my dear. AsI told you when we left, it is best that you know everything, before you decide if you want to follow your calling. You still need to meet your kin. Then you will see everything will fall into place". She looks at the other women. "Gudrun ?"

"I am ready". Gudrun walks towards the door, grabbing her cape and her staff, that had been leaned against the wall. "Do you wanna come Soleil ?

I look at the door, making a face.  "You are safe here my dear".  Siri say. "This place are protected against the enemy just like Your home".

"I promise you that it will be worth it". Gudrun say excitedly, walking outside.

Hesitantly I get up and follow her.

Call of the witch (Tom and Zac fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now