Presents and talking about dreams

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"Away tomorrow is the big day". Davina laughs and claps her hands. "The next time we are going to the grotto you get the drinks".

"Oh shit, yeah I almost can't breathe from the excitement". I answer sarcastically.

"Come on you are grown up tomorrow, it's a big thing".

  "Mjeh, I kind of look more forward to see what is going to happen with Mark and his coven".

"Oh yeah that's right, get your shoes off and come with me to my room, I got a birthday present for you".

Davina is already standing by  her overfilled closet, taking out a dress bag, when I get into her room

"Congratulations on the eighteen years sweetie". She say handing me the dress bag. "I thought you should have it today, because.. Well maybe you can use it tomorrow". She puts a hand on her hip looking at me expectantly.

I hesitantly take the bag and open it carefully, there is some ivory coloured fabric inside it and when I pull it out it folds out to a beautiful simple dress, in the softest wool. It has no sleeves but is closed with a bucket on each shoulder. A flower border is embroidered along to deep V-neck and a silk ribbon in the same colors as the embroidery is functioning as a belt around my waist.

"Divina I don't know what to say". I look at the beautiful dress and the. Turn towards my best friend. "It's way too much".

"Oh fuck you". Davina laughs. "That is what they wear in Mark's little club and I had the fabric lying around anyway. White isn't exactly my colour you know".

"Well thank you very much, I'm so happy for it". I turn towards the mirror and hold the dress up in front of me. After turning from side to side I can't help smiling.  "Really! I am really really happy about it. I love it". I throw my arms around Davina's neck, hugging her.

Davina smiles softly, but she can't hide her pride. "Come on, put it on so I can make sure it fits perfectly". She laughs.

Carefully I pull the dress on and Divina helps me tie the silk ribbon. The belt makes the dress cling close to my waist and fan out in soft waves around my hips.

  "No it's perfect as it is". Davina says satisfied.

"It is so beautiful". I breathe out.

"Yeah now we just need a broomstick". Davina says laughing.

"Ha ha so very funny". I make a face at her and slap her shoulder.

While Davina puts the dress back in the dress bag and hangs it on the door, I go sit on the bed.

"Hmm, are you okay?" Davina looks worriedly at me.

"Yeah sure, I'm totally okay". I say apologetically, shaking my head. I must have slipped into my own thoughts.

"Is he following you in your dreams now to?" She asks.

"Who ?" I look confused. Does she know something about werewolf in my dream is?

"Well Zac of course!"

"Oh no it has nothing to do with Zac". I say feeling annoyed. "It's just some weird dreams I have had for a while now. This last month I've had them very often and they are driving me insane".  I shrug and wish that I had kept my mouth shut. How am I to move on and forget Zac, when my mum and Davina keeps bringing him up?

"So are you thinking that these dreams are trying to tell you something?" Davina says sitting down next to me.

I'm just about to brush it off, then I think that maybe it could make us talk about something else then Zac. I tried to my best to describe the circle and the beings in the dreams.

"Well it sounds like an okay dream?" Davina says after I finish.

"It is in the beginning, but now it always ends with it going quiet and then those big beasts with the sharp teeth and long claws come out. It's like a real bad horror movie".

"So you're getting chased by Freddie Krueger?" Davina giggles.

"I haven't thought about it like that". I give a short laugh, but then I get serious. "Maybe one of them is kind of like Freddie? It has long nails that it scratches against the stones. But the big monster is different. Until now I have only seen them as shadows, lurking around along the edge of the place where I'm sitting. But last night I could see the big one totally clearly".  I look up at Divina to see her reaction to the rest. "It looks like a wolf slowly turning into a human. Kind of a werewolf". I say biting my lip.

"Who is it then?" She asks

"What do you mean?"

"Well who does the werewolf turn into? You said it slowly turned into a human right?" Davina looks at me curiously.

"Well, Ohh, I don't really know, or I don't get to see it, because I make a tornado and blows it away before it is done changing".

Davina sits frozen in her movement with a piece of candy halfway into her open mouth. Then she wrinkles her brows and throw the candy the last way into her mouth, chewing it. "Let me see. Dancing and singing with weird little creatures at the beginning. The Freddy and teen Wolf shows up. Then you turn into a superhero and blows them away. Is that how it goes ?"

"Well kind of, but it's only the werewolf present when I turn into a.. uhh superhero".

For while Davina sit silently putting one piece of candy after the other into her mouth. In the end she shakes her head. "Nope! I can't see any hidden messages. But it could be a pretty cool movie by the way".

"I thought that too". I mumble frustrated

"Maybe we should try looking online?" Davina pulls out her laptop from under her bed turning it on.

Almost all of the webpages about dreams and their meaning is also forums about alternative medicine. The only thing we can find is a word here and there from people who have put up stories about their own dreams in a debate. Other telling them what it means. After 1 1/2 hours looking around on several sites we give up on finding finding a place that can give us a concrete answer and Davina shut the laptop down. "Okay what do we have ?"

"Hmm well". I read our notes through. "We found a wolf, that means I have to trust my intuition and walk my own ways. Then do something about fighting which mirrors fighting yourself in reality.  And we agreed that I must have a three way split personality fighting against each other, me a wolf and Freddie Krueger. Strong winds means that I feel stressed in my everyday life. And then the wood or many trees which is a symbol of personal growth. So all in all I stand to gain a split personality and I have to go my own ways, because me and my alter egos have to evolve together. And it stresses me in my everyday life". I shake my head looking at the notes. "Can we just agreed that you cannot become a dream expert online?"

"Oh yeah, most definitely not in a short time like this". Davina starts to giggle.

"What's so funny?" I look at her unhappily.

"I just envisioned it". She laughs. "I don't think I could keep my face straight if you came after me with a beard and pointed ears".

I roll my eyes. "Okay so we're back to the original theory, that I have too much free time and should try writing a horror manuscript instead". I mumble.

"I would go see it". Davina says in an exceedingly happy tone.

  Pouting I stick out my tongue at her and lean back against the wall.

"Come on! You will figure out at some point. We could put on a movie or something?" Davina say.

"I got to get home. I have to be bright and fresh when my mom wakes me up at a quarter to very early in the morning with freshly baked buns and flags". I say and get of the bed.

"Oh she's really crazy about the birthday thing huh?" Divina ask as she hands me the dress.

"Most definitely, she lives for it. Just wait till Saturday". I shake my head. "You are clear about the things she asked you to do right ?"

"Sure! I have already taken care of most of it. The last couple of things I'll do tomorrow. Don't worry okay !" She says with a grin.

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