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I can no longer ignore the hard and cold surface beneath me, making impossible to fall into a deeper sleep. Reluctantly I let go of the dream and open my eyes.

Great ! Now I am laying her on a slab of rock in my fucking birthday suit. With a sight I turn to orientate myself and fly backwards when I realise that I am laying on a ledge. Carefully I lean forward, staring down into the abyss, there is at least 15 meter down. I try to remember how I ended up here, but I can hardly remember my own name right now. My tongue is stuck to the roof of my mouth and I look around for somewhere to find water. There is a grotto behind me, and to the right is an animal path, that disappear between some bushes.

I gik up, praying that there isn't a campground filled with girl scouts behind the bushes. My new enhanced hearing, which I truly love right now, tells me there is no humans nearby, so I slowly walk through the scrub.

Behind the bushes is a path that leads down the mountain and at the bottom is a slow river. When I have made my way down I kneel down to taste the water.

It's clean fresh water, thanks god !

As I bend down to take another handful of water, I notice some red drops falling from my jaw. I start wondering and examine my face. Desperately I dry the water away and stare at my hands, now covered in sticky red water. Suddenly I notice that the sweet, metallic smell in the air comes from me and I hurriedly find a spot where the water stand almost still.

I almost scream out loud when I see my reflection in the surface. On my chin and cheeks are dried in red and black plumages. My hair is cakes together with blood several places and stands right up. I throw myself into the water and start scrubbing on my face, hair and chest to get the blood and the horrible smell of my body. When I am clean I check my face and upper body, but there is no bruises that could have given all that blood. With a heavy splash I sit down in the low water, pulling my legs up as I try to get this dreadful feeling to disappear. What had happened ? I have realised that running away did not help. I still changed and I will again tonight.

Three nights of full moon.

Where the hell am I ? Have I ran further north or back towards England ? It has to be possible to find some clothes somewhere and maybe ask for directions. I get up and look up at the sky. If I follow the sun I have to get to some kind of town at some point. And from there I should be able to find my way home. But before I can go south towards the sun, I need to go east to find somewhere I can cross the river. About twenty meters down the river bank my nose catch a well known scent.

"Nah, not going to happen kid". A voice sound behind me.

I spin around with a gasp. "How did you find me ?"

Martin sigh. "Stop being such a pussy. You have made more than enough trouble as it is. Come, we are going back to the cabin right now". The big man makes a motion with his arm. "It's not safe out here".

"I'll be alright"

"Oh sure ? Well you are not the one I am worried about, it's everybody else. Can't you remember yesterday at all ?" He asks.

I stare at Martin. "I don't remember anything". I answer uncertain. "Were you here last night ? Did we hunt again ? Why are you here alone ?"

"Because my brother is back in the cabin with a bullet in his shoulder. And yes we found you last night, but no 'we' didn't hunt". He say shaking his head.

"What happened ?" I ask even though I am scared to hear the answer. Scared that it is about the dream. Because that would mean that it wasn't a dream.

"You ran of. That's what happened. Despite us warning you and promising to take care of you, you fucking ran. The whole reason we went up here was so it wouldn't go wrong". He say.

Call of the witch (Tom and Zac fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now