Doing random witch stuff

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"So who recognised her". Gudrun asks curiously after Soleil has gone to bed.

"No one". I say thoughtfully. "Not the vaetter from the earth and stones, or the ones from the water had connections to her. And no one among the dísir either".

Marta and Gudrun looks worriedly at each other. And Marta says. "We have been Reading in the old books while you were gone. There are stories in there about vǫlur getting help from a thurse and stories of storms that made ships sink and fog that made warriors lose their way. I found nothing in our own scripts.. and I didn't find anything about the dark one".

"I remembered that the Malleus Maleficarum has some chapters about witches creating storms. But none of them had anything usable or true for that matter. I Tried looking for something that fits with what Soleil told about the dark one, but it is like searching for a needle in a stack of hay in that book. So we still don't know what we are up against and what it has to do with Soleil". Gudrun looks up from her book. "What is the next step Elder ?"

"This is so much bigger than us girls". I squint my eyes. "Something really disturbing is about to happen".

Marta and Gudrun look at each other.

"The dark one.. I have never felt such evil, like what the troll showed me outside town". Marta say.

"No that is true.  It for now we need to focus on Soleil". I lean back in the chair with a sigh. Gudrun and Marta returns to their research. Not knowing makes them work even harder.

"Maybe we have gone about it all wrong ?". I look out the window, deep in my own thoughts.

The two women look up from their books and Gudrun asks. "What do you mean ?"

"My kin told me to think unconventionally. I have taught this to you as I was taught it by Tyra and as it has been since the beginning. Soleil hasn't had this training yet". I explain.

"And that is why she hasn't met her kin yet ? Of course". Marta say.

"Soleil has met her kin". I turn towards them. "When she got the calling. That is what we have been missing. But because she knew nothing about our traditions or our limitations, she couldn't get contact". I clap my hands laughing. "To help her we have to open our minds. We have to start from the beginning".

"What you are saying doesn't make any sense. How do we start from the beginning". Marta's voice tells me she doesn't like the idea.

I get up, walking to the book shelve taking down a worn out notebook. I find the page I am looking for, placing it on the table.

"Flying ointment ?" Gudrun looks at it rather confused.

"Yes and we need to get going, mixing the herbs and the creme". I sit down on the couch. "It needs to be done tonight. We already missed the first full moon because we had to rush to London to get Soleil".

Gudrun looked excited. But Marta looked unsure. "Siri I.. ". Her eyes shifted. "All this, the dark one, thurser and now unconventional methods". She looks determined. "Our job is to exterminate the hamram.. this..".

"I know my girl". I answer her. "But you need to trust me. Our kin wouldn't tell us these things if our help wasn't needed. I know this is above our calling and as always you are not forced to be here". I stop, letting both women have a moment, Waiting for them to speak, but none of them do. "Let's take one step at a time. For now we Will make this ointment and then see what the next step is. Deal ?"

Gudrun turns to look at Marta and Marta look at me. Then she finally speaks. "This is not going to end well. But you are right, it is not up to us to judge. Only the Lord Can do that". She nods, like she is telling herself that she is doing the right thing and get up.

Gudrun gets up to and they disappear into the storage to find all the ingredients for the ointment. I go to the refrigerator finding the grease.

In silence we start making the ointment, cocking, cutting and crushing herbs and other ingredients. Just before the mixture is done, Gudrun ads a very carefully measured cup of mandrake. This is the most important ingredients; to little and it won't work, to much and it is lethal. Then it is put in a container.

While Marta and Gudrun are making the ointment I go sit down on the couch, looking in the old scriptures in my folder. When the others has searched in both the sagas and the hammer of the witch with no luck. I am going to look in the papers from the witch trials.

I hate reading this. The methods they used to make innocent women confess were horrible. Mostly it is confessions made under torture that would make anyone confess. Most were totally innocent, but a few real vǫlur had been caught. They had tried making their confessions, mixing in the devil and demons. But a vǫlva Can see through the lies and get information about those times.

In the end I give up. I need a break, to much pain and hate and it is hard telling truth from lies. I look out the window. The years are catching up with me, but I can't retire. Kerstin, who should have followed me as the Elder was killed by a hamram. Marta is next in line, but she is far from ready.

I start looking in the papers again. It worries me that I can't find anything about the dark one. Only about little hamram and High hamram and once in awhile a rouge vǫlva using her power for her own gain. It scares me that something that dark and evil can exist in secret. It has to be a rogue vǫlva, someone who is missing their power, but haven't revealed themself yet. But who would do that ?

Finally I give up completely. All we can do is trusting our gut feelings and keeping our eyes open. My fylgjer has never let me down before and I am sure I will learn more about the dark one when it is time. And even is this is to be the end of our group, something good will grow from it. Gudrun had predicted that. Maybe it was even the end of the curse she saw.

But that has to wait. For now it is about Soleil's kin, who ever that is. "I will go lie down a bit. Gudrun when Soleil awaken can you then please take her to the bog and see if anyone recognises her ?"

"Sure, it is worth a try". Gudrun sends me a warm smile. "I'll do that".

Call of the witch (Tom and Zac fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now