Dealing with the fall out

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"There are two kind of hamram. The small ones, like the one you just saw, they look like a normal wolf. They are much stronger and faster though, and beside being bloodthirsty they are basically like a normal wolf. Which means no human intellect, they can't predict our moves, but only react in the moment". Marta explains after we come inside. "The one we saw when we looked for them was a High one. They are faster than the small ones and much stronger. They are smart, almost human like intelligence. Their big downfall is their aggressive nature, if we provoke them the loose and attack blindly and we Can use that".

"Our technique fighting the the small ones are a little different. They rather flee than fight. We have to lure them out and keep their focus, until we can kill them". Gudrun ads. "This method is not usable against the high ones. It is to dangerous getting that close to them".

"The staff there". I look at Gudruns staff with new admiration. "I guess you are super ninja ladies anyway".

"Nah far from". Gudrun laughs. "We had to train really hard with the staffs, just like real ninjaes. It is the tool of the vǫlur and was a common weapon back in Tordis time. We just continues the tradition. And airports are not really crazy about guns or swords on planes".

"We have different ways of fighting our enemies. You have seen galdr and a bit of herbal magic". Marta continued. "Using our seiðr we Can add ever power to our strikes with the staff. An ordinary staff would snap, it could never kill a 260 lbs hamram. Our vǫlvastaff can".

"But as long as you stay here in britain you can use like silver bullets and holy water and what else works right ?" I look around, trying to spot other weapons.

"Silver bullets would definitely kill them, but so would ordinary bullets". Gudrun said with a small giggle. "If you can get the beast to stand still long enough to hit it. You would probably run out of bullets before you can kill it and then it's too late to grab the staff".

"The hamram can bleed out if the wound is bad enough and Well Breaking their neck works as you just saw. But they heal up really fast, so you have to keep attacking till they are completely death". Marta said with a humorous glint in her eyes. "Holy water ? Isn't that another kind of monster ?"

"Uhh". I was surprised over her suddenly being so friendly. When I meet her eyes I feel guilty and look down. "I am truly sorry that I didn't do as I was told. I promise it won't happen again".

"Isn't that a bit much to promise my dear ?". Siri sits down next to me on the couch. "Never is an awful long time".

"It is but I got it now. Now in hindsight I can see it was stupid and dangerous. I actually don't know why I ran back here. I am usually not that irresponsible".

"I have noticed that Your temper get an edge when you have contact to Your kin. I Think it is because of the violent powers he poses. Those are chaos powers, wild and aggressive. They could wipe out all of us, if he wants to". Siri looks a bit worried. "Marta might be right, it could be to much of a responsibility for a human to poses such powers. You need to be careful not to let Your feelings get the better of you. You need to train Your impulse control".

Siri is right. I can see it myself, I am more on an edge, feel more agitated. I blush when I remember how I threatened Mark. "I might have changed. I was pretty mean to a friend the first time I had contact with Tjalfe. I have felt bad about it ever since".

"Oh another thing". Siri said very seriously. "Your kin's name is between you and him. If another vǫlva learns his name she can use him for dark seiðr against you".

"Oh I didn't know. But I thought the vǫlur was the good guys ?" I say confused.

"Some.. a few can't resist the powers and start using them for their own gain. When you get home you might get tempted to use seiðr to resolve everyday problems for instance. But that is not what it is for and you would upset the balance". Siri explains.

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