Stalker much more ..

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*The vampire*
When I return home from my girls house, I throw myself on the couch in my private rooms and look out on the small lake. How can a cow have this effect on me ? It is close that it even excess my feelings for.. no nothing compares to her ! The woman that turned me, who granted me eternal life she is without any equals. But my girl, there is something about her, something I have never experienced with any cow before. The images of her naked body and the effect it had on me is right under my skin and I can't ignore the obsession that has grown inside me. She is perfection. Her scent, her innocence, and now her body and her real look, beneath the goth facade, it is all perfect.

For a moment I contemplate calling one of the volunteers to satisfy my lust, but I do not want to ruin the deep desire for her; not when I have fought my desire for so long. All the bagged blood I have forced down is not going to be for nothing, just because I have some issues with impulse control. And it would ruin the experience for her to if I am only peckish when I come to her. But my body needs something to stay alive so I walk into my office and pushes the intercom.

"Send up a couple of O negative bags; I haven't eaten yet". I say, sitting down in my work chair.

"Yes boss, right away". My secretary Natascha answers.

"And Natascha, I don't want to be disturbed for the rest of the night. I am going straight to bed when I am done with my work. Is junior at the club ?" I ask.

"He is and I'll make sure no one disturbs you". She answers.


It is afternoon the next day when I awake. With no real desire to get out of bed I look tiredly at the alarm clock, running a hand through my messy morning hair. There is way to long before the sun sets and no matter how little I care for trivialities I have to deal with my civilian life. This won't do any longer, I need to pull myself together and get some work done before I leave.

With a sigh I slump down behind my desk and turn on my computer. Natascha has already filled my calendar with calls I need to return. I quickly look them over and grind my teeth when I see the last one. The council has called.

Shit ! What do that want now ? Feeling annoyed I pick up the receiver and press one. It only rings one time before getting answered.

"Good afternoon how can I help you ?" A woman asks in italian.

"Just put me through to Strano". I say, knowing there is no charm behind my words.

"One moment signore Hiddleston". She answers sleekly.

Boring muzak, that hasn't been changed for at least twenty years, Sound in my ear for about the hundred thousand time. I close my eyes, fighting the desire to hang up.

"Si ?"

Great connection to another telling off.

"It's me, where is Strano ?" I am speaking english as a revenge for the horrid music.

"I don't think it is any of you business Mr Hiddleston". The voice answers in an almost royal sounding british.

"Wow and he put you in charge of security at Asshole HQ while he is gone ? I didn't think that was Your style Townsend".

I get no answer.

"Still not an ounce of humour I see. Well, you have called. What can this humble peasant do for the great counsel ?"

"We have received news of another young woman disappearing mysteriously near you. Do you happen to know anything about that.. peasant ?" Townsend says derisively.

Call of the witch (Tom and Zac fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now