What is wrong with Zac ?

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i sit in class, staring at the empty chair in front of me to the side. Zac hadn't showed up to class and I have started to worry. I check my phone, still not a word, actually I haven't heard from him since friday, were he ran of after the wonderful kisses and I am scared I did something wrong.

Saturday before I went to Davina I had send him a text and again yesterday, but no answer. I hadn't wanted to Seem pushy, so I hadn't written again.

'Do you think he regret and have moved to another School ?' I write on a piece of paper and push it towards Davina.

'Yeah sure makes total sense to change School a week before exams start'. Davina wrote back.

'But what happened then ? He hasn't answered a single on of my messages'. I scribble down fast.

She shrugs and write. 'Who knows what is going on inside mens thick skulls ? Maybe you should go by his place on Your way home from school.

'I don't know where he lives'.

'Seriously ? You spend almost every day with the guy for over a month and you have no idea were he lives ?' She tap's the words with her pen.

'I will figure something out after class'. I write back. Then I look at my phone for the hundredth time, still no answer. Then I glance at his chair.

Finally the teacher closes his book, reminding us to study hard before the exams. As we exits the class Davina pulls me with her to the school's office.

"Hi there. I was wondering if you could help me. I need the address for one of my classmates ?" Davina says with her sweetest smile. Hopefully that will over the secretary.

"I'm Sorry, but I am not allowed to give away informations about the students". She was glaring like an evil dragon lady and clearly not impressed.

Davina never gives up, so she just smiles. "It's the new guy, Zac. He didn't show up for english and our teacher gave us some pretty important notes for the exam".

"He can get them tomorrow can't he ?" The dragon lady says.

"He could, but our teacher felt it was very important that he got them today, so he Can prepare to the trial exam we are having. But hey he just have to wing it then. I just wanted to help him. I mean it is his own fault if he misses the test or if he gets a question on it for the exam. He might fail, but hey at least his private life was protected right ?" She shrugs.

"Okay". The dragon sigh. ""But if there are any trouble I know nothing about this. Got it ?" She glare at us.

"Got it, I am just getting the papers to him and that's it". Davina look convincingly innocent despite her thick black eyeliner.

"One moment". The dragon said and went to type on her computer. And Davina turns, giving me a triumphant wink. Shortly after the dragon returns with a yellow post it with Zac's address on it, sending Davina I suspicious glance, before handing it to her.

"Thank you so much, you just saved a poor boy from failing".

"Just get out of here, and remember, I know nothing about this". The dragon answered, turning back to desk and ignoring us.

I grab Davina, pulling her out of there before the dragon could regret and snatch back the note.

"Call me if he is misbehaving in any way okay ?" Davina looks at me very seriously as she hands me the note and I nod silently.

Not long after my bike rolls up in front of the address on the note and I recognize the last name Pugh on the mailbox. So this is where he lives. The house has a tall hedge towards the road and I place my bike against it, before opening the heavy iron gate and walking towards the house.

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