The ways to heal a heartbreak

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It's the fourth time Davina calls me. Honestly I contemplate ignoring this call too. But then I feel bad for ignoring her an picks up. "Hi, Sorry for standing you up". I mumble hoarsely.

"Oh shit, you are okay. I thought you had died or something". Davina grunts. "But you are okay right ?"

I bite my treaths hard together not to break down crying again. Hearing her voice I really miss Davina. My voice is more of a croak. "Yeah I'm fine".

"That tone in Your voice.. Sounds like guy trouble". Davina says.

"Hmm". Is the only thing I can manage to get out.

"I'm on my way sweetie". Is the only thing Davina says as she ends the call, and shortly after she stands in my room.

She takes one look at me and I spill out everything. She shakes her head. "No doubt, we need fast food and chocolate ASAP.. it's the best thing to heal a broken heart".

"I am sorry I didn't call you back". I sniffle.

"Fuck that. But that is why I have called and called. It's not like you to stand someone up. If you hadn't send me a text yesterday I would have shown up here pounding on Your door". She say looking worriedly at me. "So he just felt like he should kiss you and then dump you again, like once wasn't enough.. what an asshole". I feel a 'men are svine' rant coming on.

"No, it wasn't like that at all". I sigh. "He said that he want to be with me, but he has to go away".

"Urg that is what they all say. It's not you, it's me. Directly translated from men-speak to english: I am just not into you ! What and ass, double asshole.. ass with ears". She spits out the words.

My voice is only a whisper. "Davina please stop".

"Sorry sweetie, I didn't mean to be so harsh". She puts her arms around me and I start sobbing. She pads me on the back, sounding thoughtful. "But why move her, just to move on to Scotland a few months later ?"

"I don't know, something about there being work for his family there". I press out, trying to dry of my red swollen eyes. "I don't think I'll ever see him again. It is over and done". I blow my nose and look at Davina, feeling lost.

"Seriously ?"

I nod. "I haven't heard from him since, not a single word".

"Then it's settled we need pizza, ice-cream and chocolate now, come on we go get some right away". She stands up.

"Are you sure we will need it ? I already feel much better". I say, too tired to go anywhere.

Davina send me a smile, pulling me to my feet. "Better to be prepared, you could have a backlapse".

When we come back, we throw ourselves at the bed with our treasure. Davina looks at it. "Do you Think we have enough eatable love and comfort here ?"

I scrunch up my brow, looking at the family sized pizza and the mountain of crisps, candy and ice-cream. "I can feel the love from here".

"Is he worth it, worth all this pain ?" Davina ask.

"Yeah I'm afraid he is". I am thinking back on our last kiss. The to short moment we were so close, before we got pulled apart again is standing very clear in my memory. How he had held me tightly into him and kissed me so passionately that I forgot where I was and almost my own name. His scent, his big hazel eyes with the green glints and his beautiful smile that made butterflies flutter in my stomach. I've gone through it all over and over while I have been alone. I sigh. "I will never feel like that again".

"Of course you will". Davina stuff her mouth with crisp. "I remember when Lenny broke up with me, he was my first real boyfriend. I was certain we had something special and no one else could make me feel that happy and in love. When he broke up it was like getting my heart ripped out and I thought I would never be the same again".

I can't keep in a smile over Davina's theatrical voice and big arm movements. I can always count on her to get me.

"Then Jacob came along and again I was sure nothing was as perfect as him and me. It might only have lasted a weekend, but it was the most wonderful weekend of my life and I was sure I would never find a love that special again". She shakes her head.

"But it's something else with Zac. He didn't dump me. He promised to come back if he can". I argue.

"Of course it is. It's something different every time, it was something else with Jacob too, because there's nothing more romantic than a weekend in a room stinking of old socks and I don't know what. There was old pizza boxes everywhere and cigarette butts, but he was my knight in pitch black armour".  Davina laughs sarcastically. "I am just saying. that it takes very little when you are in love. They are oh so perfect and you're never going to meet another love like that. When we have tried it a couple of times, you learn there are others out there, who can make you feel the same way".

"So when you have tried it 10-20 times, then you get hardened, is that what you're saying ?" I ask.

Davina sigh and pushes out her bottom lip. "No it's still the same every time, you still thinks he is the one and jump right back into it".

i am not doing this again, not when it ends like this. Look at me I look like shit". I complain.

Davina chews on another handful of crisps. "You will get over it maybe not tomorrow or in a month, but one day you will realise that you haven't thought about him in awhile and your life will go on, at least until the next fool come along and crushes Your heart".

I take a crisp and so does Davina, and we are sitting for a moment in silence thinking about her words.

"Well maybe I'm just unlucky".  Davina says. "I mean, I've heard about people meeting the right one the very first time and staying together all their lives".

"I think my parents were the right ones for each other. My mum hasn't dated since my father died, not for real anyway. What if I'm just like her".

  "Well there is always Casper". Davina giggles. "Oh I totally forgot to tell you because of all this with Zac. Casper was so disappointed that you left again without dancing with him. You know the last time you went to the grotto".

  I clamp a hand over my mouth. "Oh no I did, didn't I ? Well it wasn't on purpose, I actually want to dance with him him that night".

"I don't know what it is with him, but he is definitely very interested in you". Davina say, looking slightly annoyed.

"Hmm". I say slowly, making a face like I'm seriously thinking about dating Casper just to piss her off and it works. Davina's jaw drops and she looks like she's about to yell at me but then I start to giggle.

  "Oh my God are you sitting here pulling my leg, when you're totally depressed ? Then I don't have a snowball's chance in hell to know it's a joke". She laughs. "Okay somebody needs to be cooled down". She pulls over a box of chocolate ice cream.

  "If I am going to eat that, I need to put a movie on. Come on let's watch 'Mamma Mia', it helps with the congestion". I say with a cheeky grin.

  Davina rolls her eyes and complain theatrically. "Oh God you're going to owe me for this. If You tell anybody that I have watched that movie I gonna have to kill you, you know that right ?"

  I just hurry up and put the movie on. And then we tuck in under the blanket, grabbing a packet of ice cream each, watching the movie.

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