Living like it's your last day

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My fingers slides over the screen and the display lights up. Still no message. Actually I haven't heard from Zac at all since he left me yesterday. A thought invades my head and I bite my lip. Was this to be a repeat of the last time ? What if he had just wanted to see if he could get me fully and now when he had succeeded I am no longer interesting, just like Davina had warned me about. No, he is not like that or is he ? Why do I still turn right into an insecure little mouse when it comes to him ? Annoyed I push away the thought; I need to focus. I will only make things worse getting distracted by my private life now.

I have spend the night at Siri's place. We had agreed on staying away from my town until we are ready to meet the hamram. In the Morning me and Gudrun drowe to my place after my mom went to work and spend the day training in the garden and in the afternoon we walk down to the local cafe to eat.

"If this is to be our last day we might as well enjoy it". Gudrun said, heading for the nearest clothing store.

"And how many times have you enjoyed Your last day then ?" I start nervously looking through some shirts.

"Way to many times". Gudrun stops and look up at me with a small smile. "That is why these moments are important. They remind you why the world is worth saving. Things like chocolate. Could you imagine a world without chocolate ?"

I giggle and shake my head.

"No right ? Come Lets get some food. I am dying of starvation here". She starts laughing when she sees my face. "So not ready for dark humor I see".

As we eat Gudrun manages to make me feel a bit better. And we decide to hit the Cinema and watch a movie to make time go a bit faster and think of something else.

"Marta has left a message". Gudrun says as we walk back to the car after the movie. "They are at Your place around half past 10". She looks at her watch. "That is about an hour and a half from now".

"I am just going to call my mom and check that she has gone to bed. I don't like Siri to have to mess with her memory again". I find her number and call her. "Hi mom it's me, I just wanted to say goodnight if you have gone to bed when I get home".

"It's close. I have the early shift tomorrow, so I am actually on my way to bed now". My mom answers. "Are you coming home to sleep tonight ?"

"Yeah, it might get a bit late, but I am coming home as soon as I am done down here". I say closing my eyes.

"Just don't overwork yourself".

"Uhh okay. I promise to be careful". I almost end up laughing. "Night mom, sleep well".

"See you sweetie. Goodnight".

A hunch make me call Davina. She picks up after one ring. "Finally ! You better tell me everything that happened. Did he come by ?"

Åh shit ! I totally forgot that Davina knew about Zac coming by. "Yeah and it went fine. I am going to tell you everything, but I don't have the time right now. I just wanted to say hi and tell you that I haven't forgot you". I bite my lip. "I am just stuck here in London with..". Hmm how much does four hamram weight ? "Half a ton of work".

"Oh okay". Davina sounds disappointed.

"I am to an evaluation with kilroy for a couple of days, that's why I am tied up a bit. But I am home by friday, maybe we could go to the Grotto or something ?" I hurriedly say.

"Sure, cool. But you have to promise to dump Casper once and for all. He is driving me and everyone else crazy". She say with a small laugh.

"I promise". I say feeling relieved. "See you".

"Yeah see you sweetie".

With a sigh I pocket my phone. Shortly after Gudrun interrupts my thoughts. "You seem far away sister".

"Yeah, it was my best friend I was talking to. I hate having to lie to her. I rather not talk to her at all than lie, so I keep pushing of calling her. I am afraid this Will come between us and I will lose her".

"It might. I no longer have any close friends. It's to dangerous for them too". Gudrun say softly.

"So it is not possible to find a middle ground ? To have both".

"Who knows ? I haven't dared taking the chance". Gudrun shrugs. "Siri feels responsible for not being able to stop the hamram from killing Tyra back then. Both Marta and I have felt the consequences of being around people".

We had reaches the road running past the School. I rest my forehead against the window, looking at the empty buildings as Gudrun stops at a red light. What am I to do ? Should I drop out and leave, cutting all contact to my mom, Zac and Davina ? Or Stay and keep up the lie about volunteering until me or someone I care about is killed by a hamram ? And what about the dark one ?

When Gudrun has parker outside our house I sneak inside to check on my mother. Luckily she is already asleep and I gently remove her Reading glasses and turn of her light. In my own room I find some clothes more fitting for running around the forest and fighting. Then I go back outside to Gudrun who are lightning a fire in a small transportabel fireplace.

"With seiðr I tie the fear to the fire. Take it, burn it and show me the Way". Gudrun throws some herbs into the fire, leaning forward to breath in the smoke.

When I walk over, she hands me the pouch and I reach in taking a handful of herbs. I recognise sage and yarrow. And in my head I go through their magical properties. They are cleansing and calms the nerves and they will ground us. I close my eyes imagining how to smoke will engulf my nerves. After a few seconds I feel my mind opening up to the surroundings and I hear the fire singing to me. I open my eyes repeating the words Gudrun had said, then I throw the herbs into the fire. I breathe in the spicy smoke. When I open my eyes I feel how it calms me and makes me more focussed.

"So, now we can focus on training again". Gudrun says with a smile. "We were both a bit on the edge I think".

Call of the witch (Tom and Zac fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now