Meeting her kin

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When they are both gone, Siri goes to one of the small stones in the circle, putting her hands on it. "Stone in circle, shield to vǫlur. I loosen the ring the earth is protecting". She pushes the stone away, making a hole in the circle and coming back to me. "We have to hurry. The others are unprotected while we are gone". She takes out the little jar of ointment. "This is flying ointment. There are a lot of versions out there, but only a true vǫlur can use it". She explain. "To meet with a Jötnar we need to let go of our inhibitions. Even I who have seen most are still bound by what I believe to be reality and superstition in our World. "The ointment is a potent mix of plants that makes you hallucinate, so you might feel a bit.. drunk before we fly. Do you understand so far ?"

I nod, watching curiously as Siri opens the jar.

"We rub ourselves with the ointment and then we are crowing soft galdr. Do not be afraid for what happens. I am with you all the time and you kin will protect you when we arrive".

Siri takes a big glob and show me how to rub it under my feet. Then she takes a new one and rub it in her armpits. I copy her and when we are done, Siri starts crowing in the whispering voice she had used at my birthday. I breathe in deeply and start mumbling the same sounds that I had been yelling out earlier. After a couple of minutes I get a metallic taste in my mouth. My stomach contract and Black spots are dancing for my eyes. To stop myself from throwing up I close my eyes and grind my teeth. When the worst dizziness is gone, I open my eyes, realising I am once again floating.

'Back at it'. Siri float up beside me.

I try to answer, but no sound is coming from my mouth. Siri shakes her head tapping at her temple.

'So I just have to think it and you can hear it ?' I ask in my head.

'Yes I can hear you, just as you can hear me'. She send me a calming smile.

'Can you hear everything I am thinking ?'

'Only what you are thinking of right now. But if you are trying really hard not to think about something you want to keep hidden to me..'. Siri smiles, shaking her head.

'Then I have already thought it. Got it'. I nod.

'Take my hand, and let's see where we are going'. Siri reach for me and I grab her hand. Together we float over the trees.

This time the World isn't grey as when we looked for hamram. Everything is coloured in the dusks soft colors and was bathes in the moon's silver light. I can't believe it, but I can actually feel the wind against my skin and Siri's warm hand in mine, like I am actually flying.

'This don't feel like when we were looking for hamram'. I turn towards Siri.

'It's because we are not in the real world anymore. We are on a higher astral plane in our minds'. Siri's words are like buzzing bees in my head. 'When we seek for hamram we don't venture to deeply. We need to be able to wake up fast and.. Well be clear headed if we need to hunt'.

We fly through the forest, Siri telling me to let my mind lead me. We end up by a waterfall near a mountain, where we land on a ledge. In front of us is a cave.

'What are we doing here'. I ask looking around curiously.

Siri goes to sit down on a stone. 'I have no idea my friend, you were leading the way'.

'But this is still the forest, it's still Scotland right ?'

'This place look like this, because it is what you imagine it to be'. Siri say.

'But I thought we were lead somewhere.. uhm special'. I don't know how to put it.

'Don't worry; you are exactly where you should be'. A strange voice suddenly sounds in my head. A looking at Siri I know she heard to.

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