Realising the truth

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"Those fucking must killed my best friend". I hiss i to the phone.

"Your friend ? What are you talking about sweetie ?" Gudrun answers in the other end.

"That is why my mom called for me to come home. Davina was found killed this Morning and I Got a message from her at half past two last Night. It Can only be those hamram from the forest". I pace back and forth.

"Oh I am so Sorry". Gudrun goes quiet for a moment. "Sol we don't know that they did it. It could be a totally unrelated crime. We have to look into it first. It is not likely that they could link you to Davina, when they can't smell you, not unless..". She goes quiet.

"Unless it is someone I know". My voice is laced with anger. Gudrun had just confirmed my own fear, and now it's clear to me. "That is why it didn't attack me. It recognised me and they went for Davina instead".

"Sol that's..".

"Yes it makes perfect sense. That is why I live in a dead zone. All the vaetter has ran away because of those hamrams; you said that yourself". I continue. "So they must me here in town. We'll have to search for them tonight".

"We can't just wander the streets looking for hamrams". Gudrun say terrified. "Wait for me to get to Siri and talk this through, okay ?"

But I am not really listening. My dissabillitating sorrow has been replaced by targets revenge. Even if I have sworn to both Tjalfe and Siri to control my emotions, I am happy for the anger that now curses through me.

"I'll find them with or without Your help". I say through gritted teeth, then I hang up and run out into the garden.

"Tjalfe". I Call out. "Tjalfe come forth, I need you".

A big cloud pulls in over the house and the wind start ripping in the trees. I laugh triumphant and throws my arms into the air to make the wind pick up, but it isn't complying. Instead it dies down to a calm breeze, playing with my hair.

"I told you, no going on power blenders after that show in Scotland". Angrily I turn towards the voice, seeing Tjalfe perged on the edge of the flowerbed.

"They killed Davina. If you know anything about this I want to hear it now". I sner at him.

"You can't attack all three of them, they would gut you like a baby seal on the spot". He say with a shrug.

"I am not alone, I got you by my side".

"Oh no, I am not being a part of this vendetta. Look at yourself ! You are ready to charge into town knocking down the first person you see no question asked. You'll just end up getting yourself killed and who will find Davina's killer then ?"

"Are you really going to let me down now ? I am ready to give my life to the calling, but the hell I will accept my friends taking the punishment for my choices. They should have stopped it". I halfway scream.

"They who ?"

"I don't give a flying fart who they are, the ones in charge. I just know that Davina is gone and whoever did it will pay dearly". The words emit a pressure wave of feelings from me and he flinches.

"Sol there is nothing I want more than help you". He says softly. "You are my kin. I Can feel how devastated you are and I will be with you through everything, no matter what. But this is not just about you and Your revenge. We both work for the same cause, so of course we are going to find out who did this, but we need to do it calmly and the right way. Let Your sisters help you. Work with them and do it by the book". Tjalfe gets up, looking towards the driveway with his brow furrowed. "Please remember, not everything is black and white. Not everything bad is caused by the obvious enemy. There are much worse things out there".

Call of the witch (Tom and Zac fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now