Getting ready

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"Oh Seriously Davina". I complain looking myself in the mirror. "You can't be serious".

It is the day I have dreaded all week and we are getting ready in Davina's room. I look down myself. She has put my in skin tight leather pants, a tight black shirt, low cut enough to let the lace of my luckily black bra peak up and on top a black corset. The corset is tight and my normally soft figure has the smallest waist and a totally flat stomach.

"Get out of the clothes and come to the beauty chair". She totally ignore my protests, helping me out of the corset. "If you hadn't been my best friend Sol I would have been offended by Your critice of my amazing clothes. The one chick at the club is dying to get their hands on my creations. By the way the corset is a one of a kind and the material was expensive, so please be careful". She say it with a smile.

"I don't dare wearing it now. Can't I just have a normal long dress on ?" I say hopefully.

"You gotta be kidding me". She huffs. "It is half the fun dressing you up in my finest before taking you to a ball in the grotto of sin".

"Grotto of sin ?" I might look like a scared mouse. "But.. but you said no S&M".

Davina giggles. "Sorry I can't help teasing you. You seriously have to forget those stereotypical prejudice".

"So not fair, you know how nervous I am. It is my first time at a club. If you want me to go out wearing that publicly you better start sucking up to me or I might lose my courage". I mumble

"Okay". Davina says joyfully. "How often have I told you about the Grotto ?"

"Well every sunday and sometimes monday too". I answer.

"And have I ever told about dangerous things ? Or sinful things ? I mean not taking place between consenting adults". She says with a teasing grin.

I probably still look worried and she continue. "Look everything that happens at the Grotto happens at all club, we just have less pop culture and blinking strobe lights, and much more essence. You know.. important things in life".

"So if you put more than two colors together you are happily unaware of how hard and unfair life is ?" I say sarcastically.

"No not necessarily. But is it better being doped out on drugs every weekend, praying to some wannabe stars and their fake bling ?" Davina makes a face.

"Who has stereotypical prejudice now ?" I giggle and shake my head.

Davina puts her philosophical face on. "No seriously, goth is not a style, it's a way of Living, of thinking. I always hated bland mainstream things. Peoples quest for success and money, the extreme consumerism, I could throw up thinking about it. They never stop to see the beauty around them.. it can be gone like this". She snaps her fingers in front of me, making me jump. "If that makes me a freak, then fuck it. I see myself as a realist. In the Grotto I found people that has the same outlook on life and death as me. We can be us self there".

"I just think some of the music is a bit.. to death positive. That it is romantic to die together and such.. isn't it a bit unhealthy ?" I ask.

"Is there anything more romantic than Romeo and Juliet ? To love each other with such passion that you rather die than be without the other". She looks dreaming for a moment. "But remember, just because we talk about it and is drawn to the darkness, it doesn't mean that we want to die. Death is an reminder of how fragile life is, to life Your life while you can. Carpe diem and all that".

I usually only use a bit of mascara, but Davina gave me the whole goth femme fatale makeover, she even take care of my eyebrows with a scalpel, which makes me just a bit nervous..

"Oh my eyes don't look like pigs eyes anymore". I gasp as I see myself in the mirror after Davina is done.

"Okay all this". Davina says theatratrically making a circling motion towards my face. "Which is fucking perfect, are you comparing that to a pig".

I shake my head, studying the stranger in the mirror. "No that's what I am saying, it looks like someone else. I am almost pretty".

"Almost". Davina huffs. "You have always been pretty, you just tend to hide it. I keep telling you".

"I guess you do". I mumble shyly.

"And now le grand finale". Davina finds a black wig and a pair of scarily high stilettos. She puts my own hair up with bobby pins and pulls a nylon stocking over it. "It is totally forbidden to come with a natural hair color, even one that looks like honey kissed grain fields".

She gets me back in the clothes and put a bowler hat on my head. I have to admit it looks rather good now with the whole look put together. Davina point on the floor. "Let me see you walk".

"This will never work". I sigh, after having tried to walk. I am not used to heels and I am wobbling around.

Davina pulls out another pair. "These are not as high, not as perfect as the others, but better than walking like a duck".

  I put them on and try them out. "So my sneakers is out of the question ?" I ask, getting a glare back. "Okay, these will work".

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