Losing control

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1 week later
"Focus Sol. It is thrust, thrust. shock, rotate, jump, hook". Marta's voice is reverberating in my ears. The heat is unbearable. I wipe the sweat from my brow once again, before rotating the staff and squatting down, keeping my eyes on Gudrun. With a moan I jump up, going through the combo Marta is trying to beat into my head. I rotate, bend my knees and focus all my power into the jump, trying to get as high up as possible.

The punishment for not watching my opponent falls swiftly as Gudrun makes a fast attack with her staff. Her thrust goes right through, knocking the air from my lungs. For a second I kind of dangle of the end of her staff, before tumbling down on the ground.

"Ouch, fuck". I yell angrily. This is enough. How do they expect me to get a black belt in vǫlur staff fighting this fast ? Shouldn't this take like years to accomplish ? I have been training hard every day for a week now and I haven't improved one bit. "You can take Your fucking staff and stick it up were the sun don't shine". I mumble, as I throw down the staff and stomp down to the lake.

At the lake side I kick some stones into the water and go sitting on the small wooden bridge. I have blue and yellow bruises all over my body and a faint purple line is fading under my left eye - a reminder of my first try with rotating the staff.

'Take a deep breath Sol'. Siri's voice emerge in my mind.

"Get the fuck out of my mind right now and leave me alone for just five minutes". I yell back towards the cabin.

A searing hot bubble of rage raise up inside me and a wind starts shaking the trees. "Tjalfe". I scream in frustration out over the lake.

The wind picks up over the lake as my answer, beating the water to a frenchy. Then it collect to a tornado right in front of me and I smile triumphant. This is something I am good at. I jumps to my feet, lifting my arms towards the tornado. It follows my will immediately and lifts above the water. As I turn left the whirlwind mirrors my movement, and when I turn back it follows me again. I am grabs by an intoxicating feeling of power that only feeds into my anger. In my mind I imagine that the tornado is Marta and with a yell I send all my frustration towards the pillar of wind. I stat ly it grows, turning faster and faster.

Laughing I dance around myself feeling elated. Never have I felt this free, this powerful. What the hell do I Care that I can't jump several meters into the air like the others ? Or that I keep getting beaten up by both the others and my own staff ? This is a thousand times cooler. What can I use their tricks for ? Like this I Can take on the hamram all on my own. They should be thankful to have someone with my strength on their side instead of beating me up.

Someone is suddenly standing on the bridge beside me. "Cool ! It's such a Great feeling right ?" Tjalfe asks.

"So awesome". I grind my teeth, sending another wave of frustration into the whirlwind, making it grow even larger. I laugh happily.

"Totally crazy how you can control something as spectacular as the wind just like that right ?" He say.

"Oh yes". I nod enthusiastically. Tjalfe gets me and that is the most important thing.

"It makes one wonder how hysteric and super egotistical you need to be to AMP up to full power and just smash the entire shit right ?" He laughs. "Hey let's see if we can fuck this whole place to pieces. It would look so sick".

Slowly I lower my hands and stare at him in terror. The tornado dies down and the water falls back in the lake with a thunderous splash.

"Wait.. wait for it, here is the best part". Tjalfe holds up his right hand, looking expectantly over the water.

I look around, my eyes feeling about to pop. The lake shore is a total chaos, big trees knocked over, small trees snapped and shrub and bushes pulled up at the root.

"And here they come. Look, plop, plop, plop. There, there and there". He cheers.

On the surface of the lake little lumps emerges. It is fish and other small water animals, all dead. I shamefully collapse on the bridge. Did I really do all this ? Cause all this destruction ?

"Yes you did, but it was such an awesome feeling right ? You better enjoy it, because this is the last time ever you get to tap into this amount of power". Tjalfe is staring at me. "Why do you think there is still a great big world out there for you meat suits to live in ? This was only a tiny sliver of what I can do. I could sweep this whole country of the surface of the planet, but look around, see the consequences.

My eyes follow his movements as he makes a grand motion with his arms towards the lake, were more and more fish appears in the surface. Tears starts streaming down my face.  "This !" He points to the destruction I have caused. "This is what we call misusing the power for Your own gain. Are you particularly tired of being alive ?"

I look unhappily up at him and shake my head. He groan loudly and slump down beside me. His voice soft now. "I would really like to keep working with you, so please don't give then any more reasons to get rid of you".

"Okay". I sniffle. "I am really sorry about this. I forgot to think".

"Hey this is one of the perks of being paired up with a Jötnar. You get in direct contact with Your inner anger. It should be so healthy to let out a bit of steam, if you ask the smart ones of Your species". He laughs and pushes me playfully with his shoulder. The damage here can be rectified, so you'll get to keep Your head a little longer".

"Okay". I repeat, trying to smile, but it is more of a lopsided grimace.

"You need to learn how to control that anger. Make it work for you. Look what you have done and remember acting out like this is a total no go the next time you get a little pissed".

"I am no good at all this vǫlva stuff. I try and try, but I can't do those gymnastic jumps that Marta wants me to do". I whine.

"Maybe it's the attitude stopping you ? What about focussing on the things you are good at ?" Tjalfe say.

"Yeah I can fill the fishing quota in no time. But look at me; I have bruises everywhere and I can't twirl that stupid staff without getting it in the head or over my shin". I make a face.

"Me, me, me. Whine, whine, whine". Tjalfe shakes his head. "What about our training ? You got a pretty good grasp on that. And you didn't even have to learn how to crowe galdr, you just did it. And the vaetter ? They all came to you with very little effort. You are good at all those things". He grabs my hand, leaning closer. "I am with you always, also when you boink yourself upside the head, when you fail and when you forget all you success. I know all of Your thoughts and Your feelings. You can do this". He nods towards the cabin. "You just have to accept that twirling the spirit stick will take a bit of extra work. You just need to kick that training in the ass".

I sigh deeply making Tjalfe laugh again. He puts his arm around my shoulder, shaking me lightly. "Well know when you have cut down half the forest anyway, you might want to go look for Your own staff and a branch to make Your own set of runes". He say, looking at the devastation. "It's a way to make up for all of the shit you did here. I'll get the vaetter to help you clean up this dump". He looks at me, trying to look serious. "But you are going to owe me big time pipsqueak".

"Thank you Tjalfe". I whisper softly.

"Come on, but a smile on that mug. What about you bring some of those fish with you back ? It's only fair that you make dinner today. Maybe it can soften Marta a bit". Tjalfe giggles and pulls me to my feet. "She is one uptight lady isn't she ? I totally get you losing it for a moment, but don't tell anyone I said that. I need to watch my temper to you know. One little tantrum and Abu Dhabi is history".

I let out a choked up laugh.

"See that is much better". He smiles at me. "Well you are on Your own from here pipsqueak. I greet you". He pulls me into him, hugging me tightly. Then he turns around walking across the lake. A couple of meters out, he turns kicking a gust of wind after me, sending a small wave up on the bridge.

When the water is gone, four fish are laying in front of my very wet feet. I look up to thank him, but he is already gone.

"What the hell am I going to do now ?" I ask myself, picking up the fish.

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