Getting the most horrible news

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"I still don't get it". Marta says, as we are back in Siri's kitchen, sitting around her small kitchen table. "Their attack was more like..".

".. like a defence". Gudrun finished her sentence. "As the runes said. They were protecting each other".

"But they still killed that man. I would have been killed to if it wasn't..". I stop when I remember they way the brown hamram had looked at me.

"I saw it". Gudrun nods. "How is that even possible ? Why didn't it attack her Siri ?"

The older woman sit staring down in her cup with a sad expression. "When I read the thoughts of the hamram, I also saw his memories. I saw a long life on the run from us and a deep pain of losing his father to us. He was there the night it happened". She takes a sip of her tea. She has tears in her eyes. Her voice filled with emotions. "Those boys could have been my sons".

"I don't get it ?" Marta looks at her with confusion and grabs her hand. "What do you mean Siri ?"

"I am afraid I haven't told you everything about the hamram who killed Tyra". Siri say, looking up with a sad smile. "He was my fiance. I choose to keep it to myself, as it didn't change anything back then. He had to die like the other cursed ones".

The small kitchen was silent as the grave while her words sink into us. The conflict in Siri's voice makes me nervousness I can see that Marta and Gudrun feels the same. None of us know how to react to this. One thing I have been thought is to never see the hamram as the people they used to be. If we hesitate when we need to act it Can mean our dead or the dead of others.

"The young men we met tonight is his sons. I am certain one of them is even his grandson". Siri sigh. "I have caused that family so much pain. I see that now".

"Do you say we did wrong ?" Marta looks with horror at the older woman. "They are monsters. They killed that man and only God knows how many other lives they have taken. There is a reason we have our powers. It is our duty to stop them. These monsters do not deserve mercy".

"You are right my friend". Siri pads her hans softly. "But I was still overwhelmed by his memories. We have always ignored their human side telling usseliges that they were nothing more than animals".

"What they do to their family, to innocent people is grusomme. No animal would do that. They are an abomination". Marta is grinding her teeth.

"But this family is something special". Siri furrows her brow. "They have the power to control the transformation. The sons have lived with the curse for a long time. They are not bound by the full moon or by the night. They are in full control of the hamram, it is their human essence that dominated the monster". Siri stops for a moment, sipping from her cup. "It must have been a coincidence that it was a full moon when we killed my fiance. That is why I never suspected him to be different".

Marta almost jumped from her chair, pacing into the living room.

"Marta don't mean it as harsh as it could seem". Gudrun sends an apologetic smile. "I know she feels with you. But she is right in one thing. There is a reason we have our powers and since Sol has gotten such a powerful kin it must mean that some higher power wants us to keep fighting to break the spell. It has to mean that Sol is strong enough to go up against this new bread of hamram. We can't stop now when we are so close. There are longer and longer between new ones changing. I am sure we are ripping the balance".

"You are right of course. We can't start doubting now". Siri nods determined. "We have been through this before. We know what to do. We just have to try and get to them one at a time".

"So it starts again". Gudrun whispers to herself.

Marta comes back into the kitchen. She walks over to Siri and gives her a hug. Siri looks warmly at her; no words are needed.

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