A royal date

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Tom had called me already this saturday morning, asking me out for dinner. And now I am hurrying down the stair to meet him. When I spot him I stop in my track, staring at him in surprise. As he stands there in jeans and a loose, button up shirt, his hair styled fashionably instead of slicked back like I am used to, he looks even more handsome. If I hadn't been for those hypnotic blue eyes I would hardly have recognised him.

Luckily I had decided at the last minute to wear the blue dress I made for Soleil's birthday and we are matching nicely..

We drive to a restaurant much closer to London. When she asked why they drowe so far, he shrugged. "I want to eat in peace. Here are less change of meeting any of my friends or the clientele from the Grotto".

Even if it isn't one of the VIP places in London, It is still a much nicer place than I have ever been at before. Actually the fanciest restaurant I have been to is the local steak house with my mom. So I feel a bit nervous and out of place and while we wait for the waiter, the conversation is a bit stiff.

"Tell me about yourself". He suggest when the first course have been served.

"Well there isn't really much to tell". I answer, stuffing some of my salad in my mouth, to have an excuse to stop speaking.

"Oh I doubt that". He laughs softly. "What are you doing when you are not showing of those beautiful dresses at the Grotto ?"

"You have seen my dresses ?" It just flew out and I clamp a hand over my mouth not to embarrass us both by spitting out my salad.

He smiles, he has such a beautiful smile. "Of course, I am sure everyone has".

I hurry op chewing and swallowing my food. "I make them myself. I want to try and get into the design school when I am done with school.

"You should. You have a real talent". He say with a teasing smile. His eyes slowly sliding down my neckline, resting for a moment at my cleavage.

The way he looks at me, makes me blush slightly and pull at the strap,of my dress. Clearing my throat. "What about you ? What do you do when you are not standing at the balcony clearing at us ordinary people ?" I bite my lip. Typical me getting smart assed when I am nervous.

He laughs that cute laugh again as he meets my eyes and lean back in the chair. "Oh a little bit of this and a little bit of that. My sister and I run the family clubs. There are quite a lot of PR and ass kissing involved. That's the kind of thing I am going to next week".

"Your sister ?"

"Celine. She is my older sister. Didn't you know that ?"

"I have to admit that I don't really read tabloids". It is impossible to withstand his charm, so even still feeling a bit out of place, I feel myself start to smile.

"Damn, I asked for that. I might have assumed that everyone knew". He sends me a lopsided grin. "Want to hear a secret ?"

The smile on my face stiffens as he leans over the table, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "All the mysticism about the Royals. It is what people don't know that sell tickets, not the music".


"It's part of the concept we sell. Celine and our friends walk around looking stuck up. And me I stand there glaring at people, like a total douchebag". He shakes his head. "It is different with the clubs in London. We have big celebrities and people who know big celebrities coming there".

"Is it something like that you want to bring me too ?" I swallow.

Tom slowly sips his wine, not taking his eyes of me. "You mean might bring you too.

Great Davina, now it is going to be awkward because he had to remind you, that you are here for a test drive.

"I mean you might not want to come when I tell you what it is". He laughs again when I look at him feeling stunned.

So does that mean he is going to invite me or not ? It annoys me that he is so hard to read.

"It isn't to disrespect you Davina. But I suspect it is quite a different clientele than you normally hang with". He says calmly. "It is a gallery opening for a famous artist. There will be a lot of rich and famous people, so there will be media coverage".

"Oh". Is the only thing I can manage to say.

"So if it's okay with you, I would like to take you out again tomorrow. In London and a bit more fancy than this". He sends me a modest smile.

"I don't know if I can have a fitting dress ready for tomorrow". I say hesitantly. I am starting to regret this. What did I think ? Of course it would be upper class, crazy rich people he would hang out with. I do not fit in a place like that. There materialistic flamboyance is against everything I believe in.

"Oh I think you can if you want too. Or I can come with some suggestions". That mischievous grin spread on his face again. "Okay tuesday then ? It gives you some days to think about saturday and if you are up for it".

"And you can consider if you really want to bring me". I say.

"I can do that". He answers.

It is i possible to see if he has already decided and if what his decision is. The rest of the evening do not get me any closer to an answer, because Tom keep talking about everything else. He has travelled quite a lot and as he he tell tales about places I will never be able to afford to go, I let his sexy voice seduce me.

Back in my room, laying on my bed, I still have a really hard time believing that I just spend the evening with Tom.

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