A bad influence

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"Okay like that. And now lift it just a bit". Deeply focused I nod for an answer and slowly lift my hands. "Yeah good there". Tjalfe say. "See if you can make it rotate faster".

I groan from the effort and try visionens how the column of wind I have created over the lake spins faster. For a moment it reacts and sucks up water.

"I can't hear you". He teases me. "You really have to train those pipes if you want some more power behind it".

There is a loud splash as the water falls down into the lake and I sink down on the bridge with a sigh.

"Well that went pretty well". Tjalfe says encouraging. "It has gotten bigger and you can hold it for longer now. With galdr you should be able to boost Your seiðr". He sits down beside me, slapping me on the back.

"Just shut up and let me die". I let myself fall backwards to lie on the bridge.

"Oh come on, no need for all that drama kin". He laughs. "Seriously it went well".

"I am totally busted Tjalfe". I moan. "I have been running my ass of, which a hate even more than that green goo Gudrun makes me drink. I am fighting to learn all those stupid ninja tricks, even if I still can't jump and now you are pushing me too". I sit up, letting my arms dangle down. "Yeah, yeah I know.. me, me. Whine, whatever". I sigh.

For a moment he stare over the lake. I have realise this means he is debating with some kind of higher power. He scrunch up his eyes. "Okay you get a couple of days of".

"Really ?" I ask surprised.

"Really !" He nods. "But you still have to run and drink green goo. I mean look at how hot you body has gotten girlfriend ! Hot damn ! That has to motivate you just a bit".

"Oh yes. So if I can't get my ass with me in the jumps when I have to fight the hamram, I can always wave it for them instead right ? Do a little twerking or something". I can't help giggling.

Soon we are both choking on laughter at the image my mind made.

"Swing shift Cinderella. Oh those wolf boys is so gonna give it up for you shaking Your thang and singing 'oh wolfie'". He shakes his head. "I have such a bad influence on you".

"What do you mean ? I couldn't do this without you". I lean against him and he puts his arm around my shoulder.

"You are starting to sound like a real cool cat here. And even if you still whine quite a lot, you have become kind of cool". He squeezes my shoulder.

I roll my eyes. "Hmm hadn't noticed. I have kind of been to busy getting beaten up by everyone".

Tjalfe waves his hand and a spray of ice cold lake water hits me right in the face. I scream and jump to my feet, pushing him away.

"Take that !" He is chuckling with laughter. "Everytime you whine, you will get wet".

With an indignant huff I reach one hand into the air. A gust of wind immediately dives into the lake picking a whirl of water that throw at Tjalfe as hard as possible. He moves at the last second and the waterfalls on the empty bridge.

"Oh so that can motivate you to focus, me pissing you of ? You know that I know where you are trying to hit even before you do right ?" He hits me with a new spray of water.

"Ohh you are so going to pay for that". I scream angrily and push both arms forward. I concentrated ball of air fly towards Tjalfe.

"Yeah ! Give me some sugar baby". He grins flippantly and jumps to the side.

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