Meeting the goddess

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I walk down the pathway running along the football fields. On the other side of the path is the Church stonewall. And I notice how everything is luscious green and ready to bloom. Wild daisies makes a beautiful contrast to the grey Stones and it is like everything gives of a soft humming sound.

I breathe in the scent of flowers from the cemetery and smile happily. Here everything else is gone. There are no guys with alluring hazel eyes, best friends wearing to much black or anything else to mess with me. There is just spring, beautiful green and yellow colours. Before continuing I throw out my arms, twirling around myself feeling so very free, sucking in everything like it is the first time I see it.

Out of the corner of my eye I notice that a breeze is playing with the treetops, looking almost like they are dancing around me. I stop to enjoy the sight of the wave like motion it would create through the trees down along the path, but it didn't happen. It seemed like the wind stayed beside me and when I started walking it continues the soft play in time to my steps.

I start running down the path and the wind speed up, staying beside me, it makes me happy for some reason, feeling quite elated I start laughing. At the end of the path I stop, breathing hard, looking back towards the church. The wind is gone, the trees are still. I look towards the school not a single branch moving there either. I suddenly feels a bit scared, what just happened ? It had to be something I imagined.

When I get home I have managed to convince myself that there is an explanation to what I just experienced. If it is a rational one or a supernatural one, well the internet should be able to tell me that.

"Remember, if it's not on the internet, it doesn't exist". I mumble to myself, turning my laptop on. It is something Davina always says.

When it has finally started up I go on the net, opening google. So what to search for ? Wind ? I push in the word fast, waiting to get enlightened.

'Win a caribbean holiday' and 'Big prices in free competitions' shows up, damn I had written so fast I forgot the d. Maybe wind isn't the best word.

I think back to what happened down by the church, but how to describe it in words ? I push in wind and look down over the results. I spot an online encyclopedia about wind. I click on the link, finding a lot of explanations but nothing about wind following a person.

The word mythology seems to jump at me and I read: "in the greek mythology the northern wind is named Boreas, the southern wind is Notos, the western wind is called Zephyros and the eastern wind is named Euros". Boreas is marked with a link and I click on that.

When that don't give me anything usable I click back and search for 'wind greek mythology'. Because someone out there have to have experienced the same right ? Up came a lot about weather, poetry and a lot of other stuff, nothing related to my experience. I throw myself on the bed.

Well what did it matter anyways ? It had been a coincidence and nothing more. And by the Way, it is my turn to cook, so I better go see what my mother Estelle has taken out the fridge.

Just when I am about to close the computer down a sentence catches my eyes. 'Air is one of the four cardinal elements'. Four elements ? What does cardinal mean ? I quickly search for 'Four cardinal elements' and when I hit enter a lot of links about nature religions, paganism and something called wicca pops up.

"Wind, fire, water and air. The Four elements that flow through us all is the pillow in practising witchcraft". I read out loud. Witchcraft ? Well I can't be turning into a witch. I open the link, feeling curious. Looking down the page, several things seems to draw me in. I nervously bite my lip before pushing the link saying 'magic and spells'.

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