Zac's secret

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I am running through the forest as fast as I can, looking over my shoulder again and again, panic and fear gripping me. Slightly behind me and to the left I can hear a giant beast brave through the scrub and bushes, hunting me. I am running faster than I have ever done before but the beast still follows me easily. It gets up on my side and in three long jumps it is in front of me. It keeps running in front of me, pressuring me to turn left and run back towards from were we came.

"Come on ! Calm down for shits sake. We can't have you running into town". A man run up on the other side, slightly behind me.

Oh God no ! This is the end. I almost can't run anymore, the pain in my legs about to overcome me as the last energy reserves disappears from my muscles. A fallen tree shows up in front of me, and I jump with everything I got to get over it. Before I Can land the man is on me, pulling me to the ground. I am quickly on my feet, but the man and the beast are ready, circling me. I am caught. This is the end.

I look directly at the beast. A new wave of fear rolling through me and I let out a rather pathetic scream.

"Calm down ! Relax kiddo, we are not going to hurt you". The man say. "We are here to help you for fucks sake".

I don't really hear the man, because my eyes are glued to the beast. It is way too big to be a wolf, but to slim and fast to be a bear. It has pointy ears and a long snout. The body, Well everything, is covered in thick dark brown, almost black fur.

What the hell is it ? I stagger backwards, but bumps into the man who grabs me around the shoulders. The panic ribs at me and I fight with everything I got to get free, but the man is inhumanly strong and I am stuck. In the end I give up and heaving for air I collapse in the man's arms.

The beast pads closer. It walks on all four and seem very agile despite it's size. It is staring at me with green eyes. It is astoundingly passive. Why doesn't it jump me an rip me to pieces?

"Okay see. We are not hurting you". The man pulls me to my feet, Holding out his arms in a calming gesture.

I pull back from both of them. Is this some perverse foreplay were they befriended the prey, before the monster goes for the kill or what ? The beast turns his head to the man and grunts.

"Yeah it can happen any minute now". The man answers.

Wait what happens ?

I don't get farther in my thoughts before a sharp pain from the back of my head sends me to my knees, moaning with pain. I start pounding my temples, gasping for air as the pain intensifies and moves forward. Then my hands on my head feels how my ears grow, and a searing pain goes through them, like the inside folding up. Scared to shit I let go of my own head, and look up at the man. Two separate pounding sounds slowly gets clearer. They Sound like they are coming from the man and the beast.

What is happening to me ?

Me heart is trying to pound open my chest and I am fighting hard to breathe. The man and the beast gets blurry and everything else seems to disappear as I can no longer focus. The sharp pain gets worse and moves forward to my forehead. The forest gets lighter and my sight sharpens. I can smell the rot in the undergrowth, the faint smell of sweat from the man and the tangy smell of predator from the beast.

All brain activity is cut of by a white hot pain shooting down my spine. I scream as my spine and neck grows and changes shape. The scream turns into a pained rasping sound as my ribs springs apart and my lungs expand to fill the extra space. Muscles and tendons stretches to follow the growth of the body, and when they can't stretch any longer, they start snapping with loud snaps, only to quickly reattach, now stronger than before.

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