Lantern men and giants

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We walk in the opposite direction from when Siri had taken me to the stone circle. In this direction, the forest quickly become dense and the air is damp. There is a smell of still water, and the underground starts to get swampy and slick, the farther we get for away from the cabin.

"Stop here". Gudrun puts a hand on my arm, when we can't walk any further on the soft ground. "From here you have to walk in my footsteps. There are some very deep swamp holes, if you step into one of them, it can become very dangerous".

I nod feeling nervous. We keep walking for another couple of metres, before the mud turns into a dark murky lake. Gudrun stops taking of her cape and sitting down on it. I sit down next to her.

"Why are you wearing those old-fashioned capes and carrying the sticks". I ask.

"It's the uniform of the vǫlur. Tradition you know. It's pretty practical and I got a lot of pockets sewn into the cape, where I can hide a lot of the things we need when we are on the road. The rest are put in my belt". She pat her hip, were a wide leather belt with little pouches and snacks attached hangs low around her waist.

"What about the stick then ?" I nod towards the long thick branch that all three woman walk around with.

"The stick is our instrument to channel our seiðr through. For when we.. you know, for the hamram. And it's pretty practical when we are walking in the mountains. Well let's see if my kin can give us some answers".

"I certainly hope so". I say feeling queasy. Every time they mention the hamram a cold chill run down my back and I have to grind my teeth not to scream and run away.

"When Gudrun has placed the stick over her crossed legs, she closes her eyes and started crowing galdr. It isn't the kind of out of key sounds, that me and Siri had done earlier in the day, but a soft and clear tone.

And in an instant a magical scenario unfolded in front of us.

I know I'm gaping when little balls of life starts to emerge upon the bogs water. Yellow, red and blue lights dancing in the air, then collecting, forming a being. Suddenly the lights disappear and an old man step forwards, close to where we are sitting.

"Be greeted kin". He say with a rusty voice. He sends Gudrun a friendly smile, then he turns towards me and nod.

"Be greeted kin". Gudrun answers. "I brought sister Soleil to see you, hoping that you might know her kin".

"She has already received my scions memories. There is no one among us who can connect further with her".

"I understand". Gudrun answers. "I have to ask you to look in the water, if there's any premonitions kin".

"I'll see what I can do". The man look towards the middle of the pond.

The lights starts dancing again, collecting in a ring in the middle of the lake. Inside the ring the water starts bubbling and Gudrun softly crows. It sounds more like a whisper than a song.

Suddenly the lights disappear and the water turns still again.

"I have spoken to our new sisters kin. He can't contact her. You have formed protection against his kind. You have to remove this spell to let him in". The man turned back to look at Gudrun.

"But we can't do that; we would be vulnerable to attacks from all sides". Gudrun say.

"He asks you to trust him, he will protect this place and help make a new protection spell, that allows him to pass, but only him". The man say.

"Who is he ?"

"I am sorry but I can't tell you dear kin. He wishes to introduce himself". The man look away.

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