What did he really mean ?

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I am in a bad mood the next evening when I am riding my bike home to Davina. Actually I don't feel like going, but I won't let my mother win.

There had been hell when I had announces that I wanted to go out with Davina again. I had to promise my mother that I wasn't about to dance naked in a field with hippies or start worshipping the devil, before she caved in and let me go.

"But you are coming home to sleep this time". She called after me, and pissed me even more of. I am turning eighteen like in no time, but I have to come home and sleep.

On the way I even contemplate bringing home some goth guy. Someone like Mark, with piercings and spiked hair, just to see how my mom would react. She would probably either throw me out or bar my windows till I was 30. The thought of how my mom's face would look makes me giggle and I am almost in a good mood stepping into Davina's room.

"Your first kiss". Davina exclaim excited. "Tell me everything about it".

"I don't know where to begin". I think for a moment. "We were done with the school stuff. He wanted to see my room and well then it just happened".

"What happened ? How ? Tell.. tell me everything".

"He kissed me, and I acted like a total retardo". I groan.

"What did you expect doll ? I mean it was Your first time, you don't have any.. experience". Davina giggles.

"No but I literally couldn't speak or anything.. and then he stuck his tongue into my mouth.. you know.. french kissing. And yeah I know that is what people do, but it kind of threw me for a loop, you know like actually doing it".

Davina giggles again and I continue. "But it felt so good and he laid me down on the bed and well, I couldn't think at all".

"What ! Wait did you two.. Well did you go all the way ?" She looks rather shocked.

"No, no, nothing like that. Actually he stopped in the middle of it all, said he needed a break".

"Oh wow, you must have gotten right into his flute there". He say with a giggle.

I might look confused. "I don't think he has a flute".

"Oh God you are so cute". She laughs. "No I mean he got.. turned on by it.. a lot apparently".

"Oh.. I wouldn't know". I sigh. "I don't know anything about such things. He said a lot of things, but I didn't really get what he was talking about".

"Like what ?"

"Well something about it being disturbing to him when he had to focus on the exams". I shrug.

"Well then he shouldn't have gone and started something, should he now ?" Her voice is a bit harsh, but it gets soft as she looks at me. "I am sure he just meant that now was not the best time to start a relationship, because you won't have much time for each other".

"Relationship ?" My eyes go wide. "I don't think..". I cut myself of.

"Come on Sol, you are not that naive are you ? You must have considered that he wants to be with you. If it was just for sex, he would have made his move a long time ago and been gone by now. Believe me". She say.

"Why would I think that ? He is surrounded by all those pretty snobbish girls every day and nothing has happened before yesterday". I say feeling frustrated. "I mean he did say that he wanted to be with me again, or well that he wanted to continue. Whatever he meant with that ?"

Davina laughs. "That even confuses me doll".

"Arg ! I totally don't get what I should read into it and what it is he wants or what Will happen now". I complain.

"Relax. Let him make the next move". She says with a smile. If he wants to take this to the next level, I promise you, he'll make a move soon, elseway he don't deserve you at all".

I sigh. "Yeah okay".

"Was it any good ?" Davina asks.

"Nah, didn't make me any wiser on the subject, but thanks for trying to explain it all to me". I answer.

"The kiss you dimwitt, was the kiss good". She breaks down in giggles.

"Oh". I think back and without even realising my hand touches my lips softly. "It was amazing, wonderful and undescribable".

She looks curiously at me. "And have you heard from him since ?"

"Nope not a sound. Probably he realised I was way to boring and inexperienced to bother with anyways". I sigh.

"I tell you, I don't get guys sometimes". Davina rolls her eyes. "They can be trying to get in Your good graces for weeks. And as soon as you give in just a bit, puff they are gone. Why do they even start things then ?"

I nod, finally I get what Davina is talking about when it comes to experiences with guys.

"You know what, fuck them. Tonight we are going to have fun and forget guys. By the way I wrote Mark earlier and asked if he is coming". Davina says. "Don't worry I haven't told him anything. So it's up to you if you want to ask him about the wiccan stuff".

"I don't know". I say uncertain. "I don't want to make a fool of myself".

"Why would you make a fool of yourself for asking ?"

I sigh. "I don't really know Mark and there is so much about this I don't know".

Davina shakes her head. "That is exactly why you should talk to Mark. I promise you he will be happy to help and he knows a lot about this stuff".

"Okay I'll think about it". I mean I am not about to try again anytime soon after my moms reaction, but getting things cleared up and some extra knowledge can't hurt.

Davina starts on my makeup and some time later she steps back. "Voila, it doesn't get any better, but I gotta hand it to me, it is even better than last time". She turns my face, looking from all sides. "Flawless ! Now we just need the outfit". She say pulling a long black dress out. "Ta-dah !"

I look skeptically at the dress. I have to admit that it is in fact very beautiful, but I can't see how I should be able to pull of wearing that.

"I was inspired by a classic riding dress when I made it". Davina tells me as she pulls it over my head. "Just with a shorter front and more sassy details".

When I am dressed I look down myself, feeling uncertain. Can this even be called a dress ? It is more like a mini skirt with a tail. I rounded down a bit in the front, to cover the essentials and left a bit of my thigh free between the dress and the thigh high fishnet stockings.

"If I lean to much back or move to much my panties will be showing Davina". I complained, trying to pull it down a little more in the front, but it refused to budge.

"Isn't it just so hot and a bit kinky". Davina asked proudly.

"Oh so much". I mumble looking at my reflection. The top wasn't low cut either in front or back, but it was very tight fitted. It was sassy yes but a classic riding dress ? Nah that had to be in some kinky movie. Only place it had loads of fabric was in the back were it cascaded down to the floor. But it was beautifully made.

Davina is wearing a victorian style dress as always, it is simply, with no kinky details and the laced corset gives her the figure of a sex goddess, she always look ultra feminine in these dresses. Actually she has a body like a model and she is so good at making the dresses they enhance all the right spots.

"Let's get a taxi for once". Davina say giggling. "Tonight our outfits are not made for walking among mortals".

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