Seeing her first kill

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The howl of a wolf rip through the forest again. For a moment everything is silent as the grave, before yelling and noises comes crashing in on me. Halfway panicked I try to remember what Tjalfe told me. The spell. Why did I say that I remembered the spell ? I can't remember it.

"Tjalfe I need you, are you here ?" I yell, my heart hammering like a jackhammer and I have a hard time breathing.

There is no answer.

"You said you would protect us if we let you into the circle. Look what you've done. We trusted you". The tears start tumbling down my cheeks. I trusted you".

My necklace starts glowing and a wind shoot through the trees, collecting to form a tornado outside the circle. When it dissaperate, Tjalfe steps out from the dust. "Sorry, just had to find the opening".

"It's not funny. They could be dying and it's all my fault. Just because I can't remember the stupid spell". I bawl.

"Hey now, calm down". Tjalfe runs over to gently grab my shoulders. "Look at me. Breathe deeply. You are hyperventilating pipsqueak".

I look at him, knowing my eyes are huge and my voice shaking. "Help me".

"Okay get over here". He pulls me to the stone Siri had removed. " Stone in circle, shield to vǫlur. I tighten the ring the earth is protecting. But one thing should remain, we let in Tjalfe anyway".

Sniffling I repeat the spell, putting the stone back in it's rightful place. "Is it working now ? I am not sure if anything should happen".

"Do you expect blue lightnings to shoot over the treetops og something ?" He giggles.

"Are we safe now or not ?" I glare at him, this is no time for jokes.

"Yeah or.. in a minute". He sigh, the smile disappearing. "Okay so a single wolf boy got in. But when the others have taken care of him you are home free. No others can get through after you put the stone back with seiðr".

"Was that seiðr ? Do I know seiðr ? But then I might be able to help them". I start running towards the cabin.

"Hey stop". He stops me. "Do you even know what you are doing right now ? I am not sure I can protect you if things go wrong. You are not exactly a trained fighter".

"I can't just stand here and do nothing". I try ripping my arm from his grasp.

"You have seen them right ? Big teeth, hairy types, very fast and very strong". Tjalfe looks at me with worry. "I promise you that Your friends can handle themselves. Those women has seen more action than a colombian guerilla soldier".

An emptiness tightens around my heart. The same pain my father's death had left behind.

"You don't get it". I sob. The fear of losing someone is like a cold snake around my soul.

Tjalfe stops and for a long moment he just look at me. "I do now". He say, his voice thick with emotions. "You just showed me". He say with a small smile, tapping his temple.

A new new howl sound behind the forest.

"I must have eaten a thai village. I can't believe I am even considering this". He sigh. "Okay ! I can get you closer. So you can see they are doing fine. If you promise to Stay by my side you can see them fight the hamram. It could be good training for you. But you have to promise not to move right ?"

I nod gratefully.

Tjalfe leads my in a half circle back to the cabin. When we get there he squat down, pulling me down beside him. He carefully move a branch, pointing towards the cabin. Siri is standing at the front door, while Marta and Gudrun is standing a couple of meters apart in the courtyard. They are all listening, having a tight hold on their staffs.

A movement on the left by the small road made them move. The branches opened and I giant wolf stopped forward. It stopped, sniffing nervously in the air, while looking around. . It's gaze stops at Gudrun. Instinctively it sinks down in the shoulders and bare its teeth, a growl rises from its throat.

"Hold the formation, keep Your eyes on it. Let it make the first move". I hear Marta call out.

The wolf raises its ears, turning towards Marta. Its gaze grows dark and it crouches down, slowly pulling back as it sneer.

I see Marta cast a quick glance at Siri, who start whispering galdr. The wolf freezes for a moment, then it snorts, shaking its head. It turns its attention to Gudrun, while it sneaks along the threeline, trying to get past her and run for the lake. When she steps forward, the wolf realise that the road is blocked. The sound coming from it makes the little hairs on my neck stand up and I can see the rage in its eyes.

'I can't get through to it's consciousness. There is no humanity left. You need to exploit that it is hesitating and attack'. I hear Tjalfes voice in my head and I look at him. 'The vǫlur can also chat internally in their head when they are not in an herbal coma - through Siri'. He smile at me. 'You wanted to follow the fight right ?'

I nod and turn my attention back to the courtyard and what is happening before me.

Marta starts twirling her staff to keep the hamram focussed on her, while she walk around it, so it is caught between her and Gudrun. The wolf turn towards her, lowers it head and growl threatening. She swings the staff around her body, letting it Fall down on her shoulder, then she leans back towards the ground, her side towards the animal. Standing like that she looks smaller and more vulnerable. The wolf forgets its fear for the staff, and makes an attack, jumping at her. Marta swings her staff, hitting the wolf hard on the jaw. The wolf holes with pain when the staff hits it with inhuman power. It flies sideways and tumble on the ground close to Gudrun. Before it Can get up she is over it, slamming the end of the staff i to its ribs two times, before jumping away. Gasping for air it gets up and with an ear splitting roar it runs towards Gudrun. It only has eyes for the slim redhead in front of it, who remain passive, letting it come to her. Marta runs after the wolf and just as the wolf is about to attack Gudrun, Marta jumps into the air, turning on the way, swinging the staff around her body. With all her power she slams the staff down on the hind end of the big animal.

There is a high crushing sound when something inside the wolf is crushed and one hip pops out. It falls on the ground, howling with pain and rage as it tries getting to its feets. Gudrun twirls her staff in front of its face and it tries dragging its broken body closer to attack her.

Marta swings the staff one last time. It hits the hamram on the back of the head. Its growling turns into a scream, then nothing. It's huge grey body collapses on the ground.

When it isn't moving, Marta goes to push it. There is no reaction.

"It's dead. The neck is snapped". She say, turning to look at the forest. Her voice sharp. "You can come out now".

"Whoopsy snoopsy; that is my keyword. The earful you are in for is all yours pipsqueak". Tjalfe say with a chuckle and disappear into the forest.

I walk out with my head hanging.

"Do you understand what kind of danger you just put yourself in coming down here ? Your stupidity could have gotten you killed. And you put us in danger too, we could have gotten distracted protecting you". Marta halfway yells.

"But I just wanted to help. And Tjalfe was with me the entire time. He said it would be good for me to see a fight". I know I look like a kicked puppy.

"Let's all calm down. Luckily it all ended well". Siri steps out into the courtyard and between us. "But Marta is right; it was careless done and you ignored a direct order from me. I need to be able to trust that you will do as you are told".

"Sorry". I whisper, looking at my feet.

"We are fine". Gudrun comes over with a friendly smile. "This time we were lucky. It was only one of the little ones. We have tried much worse".

I glance nervously at the huge wolf. It doesn't look small to me. The high ones must be huge, if this is one of the little ones.

"Come let us all get inside and catch our breath. I could use a cup of tea". Siri walks inside and the rest of us follow.

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