A choise and a force of nature with a headache

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"So what have you decided on ?". Gudrun asks, parrying some trust from my staff.

"What do you mean ?" I brush a strand of hair behind my ear, and twirl my staff before trying to hit Gudrun again.

"The face you wore in the car. I know that look you had in Your eyes". Gudrun granted and pushed my staff away. "You'll have to make a decision soon. Siri will ask you before we go to look for the hamram".

While I stand here staring she jumps over me and attacks from behind. I make a forward roll and jump up facing Gudrun, slamming my staff into the ground. "Now ?"

Gudrun lowers her staff, nodding.

"Why haven't you warned me ?" I sink down to sit on the stones surrounding my mothers rose bushes.

"I am doing it now". She say sitting down next to me. "Your answer should come from Your heart. You can discuss for and against forever. There is no rational solution here; that is why it is a calling. There is only yes and no".

"And if I say no, what will happen then ?" I ask a moment later, looking up at the stars that had started to emerge.

"Then Siri will remove Your memories of us and the balance will take Your powers back". Gudrun nods towards the house. "Then you'll go to bed and tomorrow you will wake up and continue with Your life".

"Just like that ?"

"Yeah just like that".

"But won't I suspect something, maybe start to remember ? Like my mother and grandmother did ?" I ask.

"I promise you, we would keep an eye on you to make sure you were okay". Gudrun sends me a friendly smile.

"I can't imagine it". I furrow my brows. "Can you ?"

"I do all the time". She answers.

I look at her curiously. "You said that both you and Marta had felt the consequences of Your choice. What did you mean by that ? If it's okay for me to ask".

Gudrun sighs deeply and lean on her staff. "A couple of weeks before I got my calling I was at a party with some of my friends". She starts. "It happened to be a Night of full moon and we were attacked by a hamram". Her face goes dark. "The vǫlur had seen the hamram the night before at an out sitting, but it wasn't easy for them to get to the faroe islands. The hamram had killed several of my friends before they got there. Kerstin saved my life that night".

"Kerstin ? The one who should have taken over after Siri ?" I ask, grabbing Gudruns hand.

"Yeah". She nod. "She gave her life to save mine and I didn't know before Siri gave me back the memories after I had gotten my calling". Gudrun smiles sadly. "I made my choice right away. I never regretted, but I still wonder how it would be to live back on the faroe Island with a husband and children, not knowing that I was only alive because someone else took my destiny to die upon herself".

A car stops outside and Gudrun gets up, trying her eyes of. "They are here. But that was my reason, you have to find Your own".

My mind and heart is in turmoil as my eyes follows Gudrun as she goes to greet the others. This is it, it is time for me to choose. The vǫlur was facing the greatest danger in their existence, but they would still let me walk away if I choose too, even if I could be the only thing that can save them. I can't do that. It would be to self Ishøj to turn my back now. I look at them, blinking to keep the tears away. On the other hand I couldn't bear if it would cost me my mother or anyone else. I have lost enough in my life. How can I say yes and risk everyone I care about ?

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