Crushing on Zac

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Zac is leaned against the wall, looking at his phone when I step out of the school. Unfortunately there is no way I can get past him, without him seeing me. And being as tall as he is, towering over everyone else, he would never believe that I couldn't find him. So the only thing I can do is walk over to him. He looks up, flashing me a smile that makes me forget why I wanted to run.

"Hi, is Your house far ? Because I didn't bring my bike today". He pushes of the wall and pocket his phone.

"No it's not far, just down past the church and across the road, I live in the house down there". I say.

"Nice, Let's go then". Zac say and start to walk. I hurry up to keep up with his long legs.

For a while we just walk in silence down the church path. It annoys me that I find the silence awkward. But why even bother to start talking ? He is just going to borrow those notes and then he is back to the Elites and Julie.

"You are not much of a talker are you ?" He breaks the silence.

"I.. well probably not". I sigh feeling a bit stupid, I hadn't expected him to say that.

He looks thoughtful. "So have you always lived here ?"

I nod shortly, then I realised I finally know what to ask him. "So why did you move here ?"

"My dad is a carpenter, not much work to get in Welch, not to much here either, but a lot more, and I guess he grew tired of having to spend hours each day in a car. We have a lot of family here now. My uncles, my aunt and their kids moved here too". He shrugs slightly.

While he tells about his family and moving from Welch I listen fascinated. It gives me the possibility to look at him more directly. My hart has a hard time keeping up every time he look at me with those eyes. When they catch mine I only have a few second before I have to look away or I would faint from lack of oxygen.

But apparently he doesn't notice my self torture at all, as he just walks there beside me, talking to me like I am a normal person.

"My uncles are kind of cool. Actually I am going hiking with them up in Scotland this summer". He says.

"Sounds like a real men's trip". I say with a small laugh.

"Yeah I guess, they keep talking about making me into a real man". He says with a nervous chuckle. "I am hoping that just means fishing and telling tales around the fire. But my dad and uncles do a lot of hunting, so I am a but afraid that the 'real man' thing involves shooting something". He winks at me, making my heart flutter.

When we reach my house, I hurry inside to get the notes. Making sure only to open the door enough to slide through, so he can't look into my room, as it is just on the other side if the hallway from the front door. When I come back out Zac looks questiongly at me.

"It should all be here". I hand him the folder, when he doesn't take it I look at him confused. "Something wrong ?"

He chuckles and shakes his head before taking the folder, looking through it. He makes a motion with his hand. "Honestly I have no idea what I am looking at". He kind of look past me into the hallway.

I feel how all colour drain from my face. I need to grab the doorframe to steady myself. What on earth am I to say to that ? Either I invite him in, revealing the mess I live in or I have to admit that I admit that I am not really good at english and to bad at math to ever learn. Oh no. Honestly I don't want him to leave.

"Uh come on in. Sorry about the mess". I hear myself say, looking over my shoulder to check that the door to my room is actually closed.

"Great". He say and step inside before I can change my mind. The most amazing smell hits my senses as he slides past me and kick of his shoes. I grab the doorframe harder not to let out a sigh.

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