Playing with witchcraft

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I have gone for an evening walk, up the hill to the outdoor stage were they have viking plays every summer. The wind is playing with me hair, went I stand on the edge of the hill. Below me is the town sprayed out and in the distance I can see London.

A new breeze makes me close my eyes, breathing in the fresh air, listening to the birds singing around me. Spring is turning slowly into early summer and this is when the year is reborn.

I have read enough about wicca now. The web pages have teaches me about connecting with the nature to be one with everything. It is time for me to feel it with my own senses. With a sigh I turn to go sit on one of the little benches.

I let my thoughts flow freely. It is weird, but it is like I still feel Zac, like his kiss left something lingering inside me. I haven't heard from him, but he might be in trouble with his mother, so I'll give him some space, certain he will call or text tomorrow at the latest.

The last couple of days I have been thinking a lot about trying a wiccan ritual. But one thing is reading and imagining how it could be; it is something very different actually doing it.

A tree on the other side of the path creaks and I look up. The wind is pushing at the top branches, making it look like the tree is nodding towards me. "Oh so you think I should just go do a heathen ritual ?" I say in fun.

The tree nods.

My smile stiffens.

"And I am not ending up in hell or purgatory or whatever it is called for it ?" I ask nervously.

The tree don't answer. Actually it behaves like every other tree there, swaying in a nodding Way with the wind. I can't help laughing at myself. "God you are crazy Sol, this wiccan stuff has gotten on Your brain".

I am sitting here, imagining that I can speak to the trees and make the wind do as I want, like I am a real fairytale witch.

What are you afraid of ?

I scrunch up my brows. Well only one way to find out. Before I Can let my better judgement rule I pull out my phone and check the time. My mom isn't home yet, if I am quick I can get home and collect what I need before she gets there.

"I can't believe I am actually doing this". I mumble to myself, as I get up and hurry home.

When my mom gets home it is like time slows down and minutes are like hours. I sit stift in front of the tv, just waiting for her to go to bed.

"Something wrong ?" My mom ask looking at me with worry. "You look so pale. You are not coming down with something are you ?"

"What ? No I am just a bit tired today". I don't want my mother finding out and I hope she won't realise what I have taken, before I can put the things back.

"You are definitely working hard. I mean Zac is here almost every day right ?" My mom say in a teasing voice.

I start protesting. "He is actually good, much better than me. I have learned a lot".

"It fine sweetie, I like him". My mom say, and look at the watch. "Oh have it gotten that late. Then I understand why you are tired. I will go to bed now".

"I'll go to bed too". I stretch and follow my mom out into the bathroom to get ready.

I wait for an whole hour, to,be sure that my mom is asleep. After a last check outside her door. I go to my own room and find what I need. But suddenly I feel scared.

What are you afraid of ?

I bite my lip. Well I am maybe a little afraid it will all go Blair witch or something. With my luck I Will probably open a portal to hell. "Oh relax Sol, you have watched Way to many movies".

Call of the witch (Tom and Zac fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now