Running from the truth

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"You want a beer ?" Martin asks from the refrigerator.

I make a disgusted face and shake my head.

"Well what the fuck, it has to be 5 o'clock somewhere right ?" He say grabbing three beers anyway.

"I am not going to drink any more of that shit". I glare at them, sitting down with my arms crossed on my chest.

"Come on ! We are pulling Your leg. We haven't slipped you anything. Everything that is happening to you, has happened to us when we turned sixteen". Martin said, opening a beer.

Jonas shakes his head no, when Martin offers him a beer. Then he looks at me for a long time, asking very seriously. "You don't remember anything at all from last night ?"

Opposite Martin who posses the maturity of a ten year old Jonas is cool enough and he Seem to better understand what I am going through right now. At least he is not looking at me like I am some kind of piss as kid.

"I only remember barbecuing and having some beers". I say. "Then I went to the toilet. I must have hit the bed right after, because all I remember is that crazy dream".

"And what if I tell you that it wasn't a dream ? Are you going to stay here and calmly listen ?" Jonas ask not moving a muscle.

I scrunch up my forehead and look at my uncles. Then I swallow. "Okay".

"It was all real what you experienced last night. We were talking when you started feeling sick and the transformation started". Jonas goes on.

"Transformation ?"

"Yup and you ran like you had the devil on Your heels before we could talk to you. So we had to go after you. You were heading towards town and that would have ended in a bloodbath". Jonas look at me, waiting for a reaction.

"The transformation ?" I stupidly repeat. I must have heard wrong. Wasn't Jonas supposed to be the mature one here ?

"Yes Einstein, the transformation" Martin leans over the table, looking at me with a provoking grin. His eyes have changed to a golden nuance and his pupils was dilated, almost like a.. a dogs ?

With a rather girlish screech I push the chair back, trying to get on my feet to Martins enjoyment. But I am getting nowhere as Jonas has grabbed my arm, keeping me there. "Great ! Just scare the shit out of the poor kid, that is sure to make him accept thing. Idiot !"

"What ? He might as well see what is happening. He is going to freak no matter how long and Nice a speech you give him". Martin was shaking with laughter, throwing his feet up on the table.

"Fine ! Then you can take over from here and you can go catch him when he runs". Jonas sigh and let go of my arm.

"That's a deal". Martin pulled his feet down and took a sip of his beer. "Yesterday you transformed into a werewolf for the first time. You see it's this little trick we can in our family and well now it's Your turn. Se was it it that bad ?" He looked at Jonas who was shaking his head resignedly.

Both men turn to look at me, like they are waiting for the words to sink in. But I am just staring at them. My voice is a whisper. "I think I could use that beer now".

"Oh stop it kid". Martin hands me the beer. "We have talked about this several times".

"That I would probably get as big as you one day, yeah. But not that I would turn into a werewolf first". I cradle my head. "I refuse to believe that I am sitting here having such a fucked up thing".

"What Martin is trying to say, is that we have tried to prepare you to our best ability". Jonas said. "We wasn't sure it would happen to you. So we felt it was best not revealing to much".

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