chapter vi

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chapter vi. An Overexcited Mother

Shivaay was annoyed. He was hanging by a very loose thread of control now. If there was anything like karma, Shivaay wanted it to be a bitch to Anika.

While she might have casually declared herself as his girlfriend, his mother's excitement was apparently growing by the second. As he sat on the breakfast table, Shivaay might have murdered his fruits quite a few times by now, trying to not get mad. His mom was innocently under the impression that Shivaay had a girlfriend and her excitement was understandable. He knew his Mom enough to accept that.

So, he did the next thing that could put an end to all of this. Standing from his chair, he quickly walked to his room, leaving his breakfast uneaten but murdered.


Anika frowned and swiped the call to drop it. It had rung quite a few times already.

Her phone buzzed the next instant, notifying a new message.

Shivaay 'ji': Pick up the goddamned phone!

Sorry, who is this?

Shivaay 'ji': You really think I will fall for this?

Well, I still don't know who you are.

Shivaay 'ji': Okay fine. My mistake that I refused to give you my number and only took yours. Can you pick that damn call?

Anika flinched but with a grin. She could imagine his face, all red with anger.

Oh, Mr. Oberoi!

Her phone rang immediately but Anika took her time in answering.

"Oh so you send me a message but are still 5 miles away to pick it the moment I call you?"

"This is not how you greet someone on phone. Especially not your girlfriend. And logically, if I had been 5 miles away, I wouldn't have picked it so soon."

"Did you just have to be so annoying?"

"I wouldn't have been if you didn't annoy me so much."

"Nevermind. Come to my office at five."

"Yeh kya baat hui? I know Om offered me to help you but I am not unemployed. I have a job. You can't bribe me into leaving you alone. You don't have to. I won't be able to stand you for long."

"Come. To. My. Office. At. Five." Shivaay gritted his teeth.

"Not until you tell me why!"

"Oh God! Ms. Anika Trivedi, if you do remember, you did drop a bomb at my house yesterday. Let me tell you, you've risen my Mom's hopes a lot already and I do not want to do this to her. So, you meet my family tomorrow and I'll stage something for a breakup. I know my family and before meeting with them, we will need to have answers to how exactly we met and started dating. Do I need to send you a legal document or does this explanation suffice?"

"You are smart." Anika mused making Shivaay smile smugly. "But still very annoying. Nevermind, I'll be there by 5:30."

"I said five."

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