chapter xi

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chapter xi. Kids? Adults.

You don't do anything like this, ever again?

Shivaay stared at the message in confusion. The first message he saw in the morning, when he took his ohone in his hand was this. What did he do?

Sorry what?

I said, you don't do anything like THAT again?

Do what?

Stop being so annoying!!!

I am being annoying? You are talking as if I should know whatever you want to say!

Scroll -.-

That, Shivaay did. When he finally found what Anika might be saying he chuckled to himself.

"What's gotten you so happy in the morning?" he heard his Mom and turned to the door to find her with an amused smile.

"Well, just something." Shivaay mumbled and sat straight.

Pinky walked to his bed and sat beside him, making Shivaay raise his eyebrow. "What brought you here in the morning?"

"Well, I wanted to ask for Anika's number." Pinky shrugged.

Shivaay stared at her. "Remind me, in the last three days have you ever talked to me about anything outher than Anika?"

"Remind me, in the last three days, have you stopped texting her?" Pinky retorted.

"Oh God Mom! We rarely talk."

"Shivaay I want to spend some times with my bahu." Pinky gave him her best puppy face and Shuvaay sighed.

"Mom, let her rest, at least today. Talk to her later, okay?" Shivaay prayed his mother won't take it too far. If she did, Anika would begin her 'We shouldn't do this' again.

"Okay fine!" Pinky pouted. "At least give me her number."

Shivaay nodded and handed over his phone to her. The moment Pinky swiped it open, she grinned.

Quickly taking what she wanted, she handed it back to him. "You have a message."

Shivaay nodded and his eyes fell on the screen.

You can't just kiss me aise!

Shivaay looked at his mother who had a bright smile on her face. Shivaay opened his mouth to say anything but stopped himself. "I have to get to office." Getting off the bed, he hurried to the walk in closet, ready to begin the day's work.


Anika had taken her own time in getting up, freshening and walking outside in her nightsuit to find Gauri whistling to herself in the kitchen.

"You are sick Ri." Anika mumbled and stood in front of the stove, inhaling the smell of the delicious Gauri ka poha.

"I will always be jealous of your cooking skills."

"You never try to learn Di." Gauri shrugged. "How will you ever find a guy for yourself?"

"If I marry I am going to be a wife not a chef." Anika rolled her eyes. "He should cook. Yes! That should be my first criteria. I am sure all of Maa's choices will fail." Anika jumped and sat on the counter.

"Waah! Your naya-navela boyfriend fits the bill."

"As if I want to marry him." Anika snorted. "You up for a movie binge?"

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