chapter lii

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chapter lii. One Miscommunication

Anika looked at Shivaay as he furrowed his brows.

“Just give me a minute?” He smiled at Anika who only nodded. Shivaay put the call on speaker, focusing on something else on his screen.

“Hi Mallika, how are you calling today?”

“Shivaay, I am so sorry, I know we werre supposed to meet like, two days later but could we meet today?”

Shivaay frowned, putting the phone back on headset. Anika couldn't help but feel a little annoyed. There were a lot of valid reasons. Shivaay was going to meet Mallika in two days. Mallika was asking him to meet now, when he finally decided to talk. He didn't let her hear the rest of their conversation.

Anika cringed. Where was this coming from?

“Oh, and when will you be back from Bali?”

“Right. Okay. Can we meet now?”

Anika's jaw dropped. So instead of talking it out with her, he was going to go meet Mallika. Could have at least met her later?

Anika bit the inside of her cheek as she heard Shivaay decide on a meeting place. What was even going on? As if to distract her from the storm of thoughts in her mind, Shivaay mindlessly placed a hand on her knee, running his thumb over her leggings. Anika's eyes darted between his face and hand. Was he even aware of what he was doing?

Shivaay cut the call, smiling at her apologetically. “Well, you haven't been out of the house for the last few days. Get ready.”

“But, you are meeting with Mallika...”

“Yeah, it's going to be a short one. She has a flight to Bali and wanted to meet me before she left.”

“So you're... Meeting Mallika... The one from Friday?”

“Yes, why?” Shivaay furrowed his brows in confusion.

“Oh nothing. Well you should hurry. She'll be there in half an hour.”

“You're coming with me.” Shivaay said as if it were obvious.

“Why would I come with you?” Anika looked away.

“Because I need you to.”

Anika frowned. So she was still supposed to be working as his matchmaker?

“I am not coming.”

“Yes you are.” Shivaay pressed her knee, looking at her expectantly. “Come on, get ready.”

Anika sighed. Why couldn't she just say no to this stupid man?


The worst part about reading too many romantic books? You start imagining those things for yourself. Gauri had insisted Anika wear a dress, saying “It's lot like that plaster would fit in a jeans. You'd also look prettier.” So, Anika was dressed in a sleeveless, floral full-length dress that flared from her waist. Shivaay had stared at her for a few seconds too long before helping her walk out of the house. Anika had felt the butterflies start fluttering inside her.

Next, Rudra had called demanding that Shivaay get him some baking soda. Obviously, it sounded like a code word for something else, right? Anika was hoping there was no Mallika, maybe Shivaay had something else in mind but was trying to play it cool? Like a date, maybe?

Now, Anika regretted reading any of those books or having any expectations at all. Turned out, when they reached that café, Shivaay made Anika sit on a table a couple down from his own. Minutes later, Mallika came and took Shivaay in a hug and they began talking. Shivaay pulled a chair for Mallika and settled.

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