chapter xxx

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chapter xxx. Just Like Fairytales

Shivaay wasn't planning on anything in particular this evening. It was Om's birthday, he was going to sign himself as an important member of the charity board. He wouldn't admit this, not even to himself but the way a certain someone looked tonight was really distracting.

Currently sitting with Rudra at the bar, he rolled his eyes.

“Bhaiya, don't judge me for drinking just like I am not judging you. Dad really went out of his way to make this guest list so boring.”

“What are you not judging me for?”

“If I say it out loud, me not judging becomes a lie.”

“You're still silently judging, you are just choosing to not tell me. Come on, out with it.”

“You're never at the bar at these events. The only reason you're keeoing me company is because you want avoid her.”

Shivaay opened his mouth to say something but then shut it. Then, “I have no idea what you're saying.”

“The last time you spent an entire party with me was my 16th birthday. You are here because Anika Di is everywhere else.”

Shivaay looked horrified. At absolutely how true it was, but horrified nonetheless. “That is not true. Why would I want to avoid Anika?”

Rudra raised an eyebrow.

“I mean, yes, I always try to avoid being around her because she is crazy annoying. Tonight I am here because I want Om to be the limelight of the party.”

Rudra snorted. “It won't kill you to accept that Anika Di is gorgeous. And I get it, she is your matchmaker, it is inappropriate for you to think of her in any other capacity, blah blah blah. Boring old people ideas.”

“God, what story are you cooking up Rudra!” Shivaay frowned. “Okay, yes, she is attractive but that doesn't mean I think of her like that or anything. Stop watching those stupid rom-coms.”

“Well, if you don't, I hope for the sake of your ignorance that you don't run away the moment I say Anika Di is headed towards us.”

Shivaay barely had time to comprehend when he heard Anika asking the bartender for a soft drink. Rudra smiled to himself at Shivaay's stunned-for-a-second face. Anika came and stood between Rudra and Shivaay, resting her elbows against the counter.

“Aren't you having a lot of fun today?” Rudra said, grinning.

“I had my fun, now I just want to go home and sleep. Oh, and the alcohol I am missing out on isn't helping me stay sane.”

Rudra chuckled, offering the glass the bartender had just served him. Anika loiked at it ruefully and then turned to look at Shivaay who just shrugged. Staring at him for a little longer rather suspiciously, she turned to Rudra with a frown. “Your brother is my boss today. I am not drinking in front of him.”

Shivaay shook his head. “It terrifies me to think what would happen if I leave this station for a second.”

Anika looked at him, offended. “Wait so you've left your entire party to guard your booze from me?”

Shivaay shrugged. “Maybe but now that I think about it, seeing you embarass yourself might be the highlight of this party. Even Om is missing. Where the hell did he go?”

“Gauri said something about signing a few art gallery contracts. You two should be supporting him.”

“Just say you want to drink.”

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