chapter xxxii

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chapter xxxii. The Keep-Anika-From-Embarassing- Herself Program

You would think, after too many experiences, Anika would know better than to drink more than she can handle. And the sober Anika does, yes. However, even a slightly buzzed Anika immediately forgets how embarassing being drunk is for her.

Before this day, her worst day was what led her to get assigned to desk duty. Now, it is this night, at another career-defining event, that Anika really thinks she should never touch alcohol ever again.

Waking up in Shivaay Singh Oberoi's bed was the last thing she expected. There was a striking pain in her head which only added to the absolute terror she felt. What did she do last night?

Shivaay was standing very still and she was almost sure she was imagining him. That was until he turned around swiftly, smiling a small smile and rushing out the door.

What. Did. She. Do?


After about an hour, things were slightly clearer in her head and Anika's mental walk of shame from Shivaay's bed room to the living room (which was thankfully empty except Gauri and Om sitting there, talking about something) was uneventful.

"Di!" Gauri rushed to her, a myriad of expressions crossing her face. "What happened?"

"I..." Anika looked around, "don't know?"

Gauri narrowed her eyes. "You and Shivaay Bhaiya..."

"NO!" Anika shook her head. "We drank as a celebration sort of thing because Om's party was a success."

"Are you guys, like friends now?" Om looked mildly curious.

Anika shrugged. "I still annoy him, he dislikes everything about me but yeah I guess... You can say we are friends or something. I got a call, I need to go. I'll talk later, bye!"

Not giving them any chance for any questions Anika headed out.


After getting dressed and spending almost an hour lazing around, Anika decided she needed to actually do something and not dwell on her stupidity. She really wanted to call up one of her two friends from the office and ask for advice but she didn't really know how she'd do it without actually having to tell them everything. She liked them but knew them enough to know not to let them in on anything with the potential of turning into gossip.

The boredom and a chaotic mind led Anika to pick up Gauri's grocery list. Maybe doing boring work would distract her? Plus, it seemed like a nice chance to shop for snacks Gauri made sure not to buy.

Currently standing in the middle of the grains and millets section, Anika sighed, waiting for the man in front of her to finish choosing what sack of wheat he wanted. She took out her list again, mindlessly going through it again when she heard a soft "Anika didi?" behind her.

Turning, she found Saumya grinning at her.

"Hey!" Anika smiled at the young girl. "What are you doing here?"

"Grocery shopping?" Saumya raised a brow to which Anika smiled sheepishly.

"Don't mind me, I am nursing a hangover and regretting a night full of bad decisions."

"Oooh." Saumya wriggled her eyebrows, giggling a little.

"How are things for you?" Anika smiled, finally glad that the guy moved on to rice.

"Well, I quit the bartending job and now am looking for another part time."

"Oh, why'd you quit?"

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