chapter xl

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chapter xl. Stupid People

When they reached, Anika helped her parents onto the lift and asked them to give her five minutes. Of course, she didn't understand why her father looked a little uncomfortable while her mother grinned.

She walked back to where Shivaay sat in his car, his fingers pressing the bridge of his nose.

When he heard her walk close, he looked up. “You seem happy your parents are here.”

“Of course I am!” Anika grinned. “They've never been to this apartment of mine before. Plus, I haven't seen them since forever.”

“Right.” Shivaay sighed. “I messed up.”

Anika jokingly kept a hand on his forehead through the open window. “I didn't know you realised what wasting my time was.”

Shivaay swatted the hand away. “That is not what I am talking about.”

Anika wondered what he meant as Shivaay got out of the car. He ran a hand through his hair and Anika had to look away. The worst part about realising you have a crush on someone is the part where every little thing they do is insanely attractive.

“I think your parents think we are dating.” Shivaay mumbled.

Anika's face contorted in confusion. “What do you mean you think?”

“I definitely know they think we are dating.” Shivaay said as he registered the various expressions crossing Anika's face.

“Why would they think that?” Anika almost shouted before looking around.

“Okay, first of all, let me clear this up, I wasn't trying to take revenge for when you declared yourself my girlfriend,” Shivaay began. He looked nervous and Anika would have definitely found it adorable if not— wait why the hell was he all she could think about?

“Right so, when you were gone, Gauri called and I was talking to her and I was...” Shivaay fumbled a little, confused on how he could explain it, “Okay, the gist of it is, I said stuff like you got angry on the date but your parents assumed you got angry on our date.”

Anika folded her hands across her chest.

“I would have corrected it if I knew it was your parents but I thought they were random people and I couldn't care less...” Shivaay bit his lip.

Of course, Anika hated the fact that somehow that was all she could think about. After she had confessed to Gauri, her sister had left no opportunity to tease her. Now her parents thinking that was dating Shivaay? There was absolutely no way this crush on him was going away anytime soon. Anika was screwed.

“This is not for my health.” Anikw whined, confusing Shivaay.

“Why health?”

“Okay so that's it right?”

“And... one more thing... I might have told then Gauri was my sister-in-law...” Shivaay buried his head in his hands. Wow, he really dropped the ball this time.

“Why would you do that?” Anika could feel her cheeks turn their shade. Had her stupidity rubbed off on Shivaay?

“I meant bhabhi but I am pretty sure they took it as you know...” Shivaay smiled nervously.

Anika shut her eyes. “I have no idea what is in store for me.”

“They aren't like very strict, right? About relationships and dating or stuff?” Shivaay asked uneasily.

“There is no relationship.” Anika deadpanned.

“Right but—” Shivaay shook his head. “How do I make it right?”

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