chapter xv

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chapter xv. Sexiest

Wednesday evening found Anika mindlessly waiting in a local mall for Varun. Her Mom had forgotten to send her a picture of him and now refused to pick the phone calls or answer any message. How was she even supposed to recognize him?

Which Mom would send her daughter on a half-blind date where only the guy knew who he was meeting? Anika tapped her fingers against the table. She hoped Varun wouldn't show up for the next two minutes so Anika could just get up and leave. With fair reason.

The stars were not in her favour because the next second, a man excused himself and Anika looked up to find a rather handsome one smiling down at her.



His grin was enough of a reply and Anika smiled back. Maybe, this date wasn't such a bad idea.


Anika laughed as Varun recalled another of their childhood tales.

“Guess we have been sitting here for too long. Mind going around the mall a bit?” Varun suggested.

Anika nodded, scraping the chair backwards as she got up. Anika was rather amazed. She had still been imagining the annoying guy who would love everything except having fun. From what it looked like, gone was the guy she knew. He had turned into a charming man and had a lot of adventures to tell.

“So, tell me. Is it appropriate if I ask you now or should I wait?”

“Ask me what?”

Varun shrugged. “Any boyfriends?”

Anika frowned. “You tricked me.”



“Wow and I was expecting quite a bunch behind you.”

“Not interested.”

“In guys?” he raised his eyebrows making Anika chuckle.

“Well, there is a situation you should know. I mean, Mom did tell me why we are meeting, in the first place.”

“And what might be this situation?”

“I don't know if I should be telling this to you.” Anika chuckled nervously. Her phone rang and looking at the caller, she sighed. “Guess destiny doesn't want you to know.”

She picked up the call while Varun looked at her curiously.

“Hi aunty!”

“Hi puttar! Sorry to disturbs but wanted to know, where are you right now.”

Anika pressed her lips together. “I am actually working right now. You wanted something?”

“Well, I wanted to meet you.”

“Oh, that would be great aunty! We can meet whenever you want.”

“Yeah, you work now and then tell me, alright? Bye.”

“Bye.” Anika frowned. This was weird.

“So you were telling?”

“We should go have ice cream.” Anika shrugged. Varun bowed in front of her. “After you.”

Anika smiled and led him to her favourite ice-cream shop.


Shivaay sat on the couch, focused on the presentation Mishra had just forwarded.

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