chapter x

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chapter x. A Little Trust

As Shivaay lead Anika down the hallway of the first floor, Anika relaxed. They had walked around the ground floor silently already.

"Shivaay?" Anika called out.

When she didn't speak, Shivaay looked at her to find her lost.


"I am feeling really bad."

"What? You didn't like the family?"

"No!" Anika rolled her eyes. "I love them and that is why I am feeling so bad. They are all so hopeful and welcoming and I am just lying to them."

Shivaay walked closer to her and smiled lightly. "Anika, I know. I felt bad for a while myself but I realised how happy my famil was. I didn't think me having a girlfriend would change so much. They haven't met you for three hours but Mom is so happy, everyone even gathered together for dinner which is a rare case in itself."

"We can tell them the truth Shivaay. What if they come to know from somewhere else?"

"It's me, you, Gauri, Om and Rudra who know. I am sure they will not tell anyone."

Anika was still unconvinced. Shivaay sighed. "Anika, I promise when I tell them the truth, nobody will blame you, okay?"

"Shivaay they will be hurt!"

"Why are you getting angry at me? You should realise that you were the one who began with this in the first place." Shivaay snorted and took a step away, running a hand through his hair.

Anika flinched and looked away. "Fine. If I began it, I am ending it." Anika gave him a sarcastic smile before turning and walking away.

Shivaay looked at her from behind, covering his face with his hand. Just as she was about to turn down the corner, Shivaay pulled her again and Anika crashed into his chest.

"What is wrong with you!" Anika struggled in his grip.

"Listen, I do not want to forve you into this but you have to understand, I am doing all of this for Om. I realise that there is something he isn't telling me so if I can get it out of him just by fake-dating you for a while, I am going to do it. If it means I can see him happy as he watches me go on dates and try to find myself a bride, I am doing it. If you tell everyone, they are not going to be happy and will be more annoyed if you visit us. So you can decide if you want a welcoming Oberoi family or a hostile one."

"Oh how about me not helping you at all?" Anika sneered and managed to pull away from him.

"Anika, I am trying my best to not get angry."

"Don't try, I don't care." Anika threw her hands up in exasperation and turned away. Shivaay sighed and looked at her as she took angry steps.

Not two steps away and Shivaay pushed her against the wall. Anika looked at him with wide eyes.

"Get. Off. Me."

Shivaay put a hand on her mouth. "Okay listen, Badi Maa is standing just opposite to us. At this point, I can only hope you decide to help me do this. Please Anika." Shivaay looked at her intently. As he felt her stance relax, he tried more. "I swear I have no ulterior motives. I just want to see Om happy and my family happy. If it means keeping them in the dark, as I find them actual happiness, I am doing it. Trust me a little bit?"

Anika bit his hand and he took it off with a frown, throwing her a disgusted glare. "Okay fine."

Shivaay sighed.

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