chapter xvi

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chapter xvi. Pinky Promise?

“I think this colour would suit you the best.” Anika suggested a shade of red and Pinky nodded in agreement.

Currently, these two women were at Pinky's favourite boutique where she'd shop all her clothes from, at a reasonable price as compared to her sister-in-law. It was mainly Pinky shopping and Anika giving her opinions, also showering her with genuine compliments.

“So it is decided. I am wearing this at Om's birthday.” Pinky smile satisfactorily as the seamstress held it for her.

“We'll work on it and make sure you get it soon.” she smiled before hurrying to her counter.

Chalo Anika, now we'll buy something for you.” Pinky smiled softly but Anika was alarmed.

“Aunty, we don't need to. I mean, I have a lot of clothes, I am sure I'll manage.”

“But I don't want you to manage beta. Come on, Shivaay shouldn't be able to look away from you.” Pinky winked and Anika smiled in embarrassment.

They went through various sections while gears in Anika's brain worked. One thing was for sure, Pinky wouldn't let her pay for the dress and Anika didn't want to increase the guilt building in her since last night when she had talked to her. Pinky seemed so enamoured by the fact that Anika was Shivaay's girlfriend and so upset that she doubted Anika. It did nothing but make Anika feel upset with herself. She had wanted to talk to Shivaay about it but knew he would just convince her again. She was debating if she could just let Pinky in on the plan, given that she was the most excited.

First things first, Anika. Don't let her buy something for you.

Quickly opening her phone, she typed her SOS message.

You free?

Shivaay 'ji': What is it?

Going to call you, agree to whatever I say.

Anika hurried to Pinky, nervously tapping her shoulder, distracting her from the beautiful gown she had been considering.

“Aunty, I actually have already decided what I wanted to wear for Om's birthday.”

“But now you'll wear what I tell you to, okay? Let me do something for my Shivaay's girlfriend.”

“But Aunty!” Anika shouted a little too loudly, taking Pinky by surprise. “I mean- Aunty-”

“Why are you so nervous? What happened?”

“Shivaay already bought a dress for me.”

Realisation dawned on Pinky and she narrowed her eyes. “Shivaay bought it for you?”

“I mean, he chose it, through pictures, a few days ago.” Anika mumbled, discretely ending the call.

“Pardon me but Shivaay has never, you know,” Pinky raised an amused eyebrow. It was difficult for her to accept it, of course, given that her Shivaay knew nothing of women's clothing.

“You can call him and ask!” Anika smiled, trying to look coy. Huh, Shivaay buying something for her. Why would she ever take his opinion? Lord knows how terrible it could be.

Pinky nodded and dialled her son, wondering why Anika could possibly lie.

He picked up at the second ring, “Yes Mom?”

“Are you free right now?”

“Yes, since when do you ask me if I am free?” Shivaay chuckled.

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