chapter xxix

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chapter xxix. The Oberoi Way of Birthday Parties

Shivaay walked into his house, only to find a flurry of people moving around. At the centre of all chaos stood his very fake girlfriend, ordering the workers around, fretting over everything. Looking around, he found his Mom and Badi Maa sitting at the dining table, watching Anika with fond smiles.

What exactly about her was making them smile at this moment, he had no clue. She looked like the wind was knocked out of her system and she was close to descending into madness. Walking to her, he smiled at her to which she carelessly waved him away and turned, talking to another worker. He frowned.

“What?” Anika turned to him when he didn't move from behind her.

“Why is the house so chaotic?”

“In case you've forgotten, there is a big party here tonight. I have got so much to do and what if it goes wrong.”

“You know my Mom and Badi Maa have done the exact same thing once for me and countless other parties we have regularly. They'll know if something's wrong.”

“But this is the first time I am doing it single-handedly. Let me panic please. The adrenaline helps.” Anika explained and got back to work. Shivaay walked to the other two ladies, raising his eyebrow.

“What exactly do you guys find so amusing?”

“Well, for starters, Anika looks cute while panicking.” Janhavi provided, making Pinky laugh.

“We are just watching her work. She clearly wants to impress her in-laws.”

“Does she though?” The reply was out before he could think it through and they raised their eyebrows in question. Shivaay silently cursed himself. “I mean, does she need to. You guys love her so much already, I am sure you don't have anymore to give.”

“She is such a darlings.” Pinky sighed. “Quickly marry her and make her a permanent resident in this house.”

Shivaay smiled awkwardly, wondering what he could possibly say to that. Ab wahi bach gaya hai. He scoffed to himself. The ladies must have assumed that he was simply embarassed and laughed again, letting him go to his room.

Once inside, he loosened his tie only to find a long gown cover laid out on the bed. He furrowed his brows in confusion. Turning around, he found a huge metallic box on the dressing table. Wasn't this his room?

He was about to go out and ask what exactly was happening when he saw a yellow sticky note on the gown.

Quick steps, he found a note where the handwriting was most definitely his mother's.

Anika, I know you asked them to keep your dress in the other room but honestly, you should get used to this one. ;)

Shivaay bit the inside of his cheek. He could feel a headache coming up. No way in hell was he sharing his room with Anika, of all people. Definitely not using my bathroom.

Quickly fishing out his phone, he opened her chat. Clicking a picture of the note, he furiously typed.


Weird Woman: Do you honestly think I have the time to wonder how your Mom is the most adorable shipper on the planet?

I am NOT praising her.

Weird Woman: Fair enough. Don't Hulk out on me. Just let the stuff be there, I'll take it when I am done here.

Good. You do not use my room.

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