chapter xlviii

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chapter xlviii. Silent Night

Turns out, Rudra was really prepared for game night. It was two hours since they had begun playing and Rudra was not running out of games.

“Shivaay, I really think Rudra's taking revenge for all the times we refused to play with him as kids.” Om commented when Rudra suggested a round of pictionary.

Thankfully for all the others, Pinky came in, frowning. “Why are you all up so late?”

Rudra ran to Pinky. “We are having a game night Choti Maa.”

“This is when you choose to have game night? When Anika needs all the rest she can get?”

Shivaay turned to Anika. She did look tired. “Yeah, Mom's right. We'll play some other day.”

Rudra looked around with a frown. “Fine, one last game.”

Pinky crossed her hands across her chest. “Rudra—”

“Choti Maa, the game's called How Well does Shivaay Bhaiya know Anika Di?”

Pinky stopped, looking at him with raised eyebrows. Shivaay frowned. “Rudra, no.”

“Bhaiya come on!”

Pinky sighed. “I am sitting and watching this one but only to make sure you wrap up after this.”

“Choti Maa, you are very subtle.” Om commented, the mirth clear.

“Chup kar.” Pinky came and sat next to Anika as Gauri made space for her.

“But why am I the only one who's being grilled?” Shivaay looked around. Did nobody see how unfair it was?

“Because Anika Di's brain needs to rest.” Rudra shrugged.

Saumya hit her forehead in exasperation while Om and Gauri laughed a little.

When Pinky didn't object, Shivaay sighed. “You're telling me all the answers.” He mumbled.

“No I am not.” Anika grinned. “Pinky Aunty should know how much of an incompetent boyfriend you are.”

Shivaay sighed. “I hate you.”

“No you don't.” Anika cheekily replied, looking at Rudra eagerly.


To Pinky's absolute delight, Shivaay had been able to answer all questions so far. Rudra had, thankfully, gone easy on him. Their game of twenty-one questions from the other night came in handy.

Gauri had volunteered to sleep in this room so Anika had help and Saumya had decided to sleep with the two of them as well. “Since I am the most comfortable with Anika Di here.”

That, of course, Pinky found disappointing but agreed to, nonetheless.

Everyone had gone outside and Anika had begged for a few minutes with her phone. Gauri obliged as she headed out, promising to check up on her later.

Anika looked up when she heard someone walk in. It was Shivaay, hand behind his back, smiling at her.

“I think Saumya and Gauri might take some time to come back. Saumya and Rudra are discussing some assignment and Gauri is probably with Om. Do you want anything?”

Anika shook her head with a small smile.

“Not even ice-cream?”

Shivaay was once again at her bedside, handing her the bowl.

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