chapter lxii

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chapter lxii. A Day With The Trivedis

Fortunately, after Anika left, Shivaay only had to bear with the awkwardness for a few minutes. His dearest girlfriend was back, bringing her little cousin Sahil with her.

Harsh's attention was directed towards Sahil. Shivaay could see Harsh adored the young boy a lot. Rightfully so. Anika's cousin was a charmer.

Shuvaay finished his food and offered to take the plates to the kitchen with Radhika, leaving the other three to talk amongst themselves.

She smiled at Shivaay when their hands were free. “You know, Harsh is being hard on you for fun.”

Shivaay sighed. “I kind of guessed it. I mean, Anika has to hsve picked her traits from somewhere.”

Radhika laughed. “He probably likes you already.”

“You've been married to him for so many years and you think it's only a probably. You see why I am nervous?”

“Well, as long as Anika likes you, I am pretty sure Harsh will too.”

“Oh, your daughter hates me.” Shivaay gravely shook his head.

“Yeah, no she doesn't.” Radhika shrugged, making Shivaay smile a little. “You know, I am only going easy on you because I know neither Anika has been, nor Harsh would be.”

“I do not doubt that for a second and I cannot express how grateful I am.”

Radhika laughed, turning the tap on. Shivaay smiled forwarding his hand for the dishes, “May I?”

Radhika snorted. “You really think I am letting my future son-in-law wash dishes the first time he's here?”

Shivaay shrugged. “Anika definitely didn't have a problem with that.”

Radhika shook her head in mock disappointment. “When has she ever had a problem with people doing her work for her.”

There was silence for a few seconds. “At least you do not have a problem when I talk about you as my son-in-law.”

Shivaay smiled. “I mean, the relationship is only recent but I have gotten so used to my mother randomly dropping the in-law relations every so often...”

“Do you want to get married to her? Can you see that?”

Shivaay shrugged. “I mean, what's the point of starting a relationship at this age when you cannot see yourself spending your life with that person? I mean, yeah, there are a lot of things we do not know about each other... Maybe something's a deal breaker but right now, I totally can. Even if it means getting annoyed for the rest of my life.”

“Well, Anika...” Radhika trailed off, scrubbing a plate.

Shivaay rolled his eyes. “Anika what?”

“I mean, I was talking and I said something like 'when you get married to Shivaay' and she said 'if I get married to Shivaay'... So, does that make you happy or sad?”

Shivaay thought for a few seconds. “If I am being very honest, that definitely makes me happy. Knowing Anika, if she is at an 'if', that's an achievement, alright.”

Radhika laughed. “I can see why Anika likes you.”

Shivaay ran a hand through his hair, dramatically letting out a breath. “I cannot express how happy that makes me.”

“Okay, since we are being very honesr, I'll let you know I didn't expect you to be such a dramebaaz.”

Shivaay bowed. “It's called Keeping Up With The Oberois.”

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