chapter lv

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chapter lv. Another Party

When Shruti said Anika didn't deserve it, she was talking about the impromptu surprise she, Rohit and Saumya decided to throw for Anika. It meant them showing up at her house at 12pm while Anika was barely awake. However, the promise of some exquisite wine and Anika was out of her room in under 15 minutes, grinning.

“I am not the only one who thinks she's turning into an alcoholic, right?” Rohit commented when he saw her cheerful.

The wine, of course, was not the only reason for this brilliant mood.

Anika had also woken up to a simple 'Good Morning <3' from Shivaay. She had replied quickly before hurrying to get ready. Currently, as her friends fought over what to order, Anika was talking to Shivaay.

Shivaay: Please do not tell me you woke up right now.

Okay, I won't.

Shivaay: Don't you think you should try to at least keep a healthy sleep schedule?


What's the point anyway.

Shivaay: Unlike you, I still have work. I will explain the "points" to you someday.

Maybe I'll listen. Maybe I'll sleep through them. Tell those when it's "appropriate sleeping time"

Shivaay: How will I be around at that time?

Unless you have some idea....

Anika didn't reply, smiling to herself.

So, can we talk today? I have a little time between this meeting and the next one.

I am not sure...

Shivaay: Anika, come on?

“Did you guys know the rumour going around?” Rohit asked as he fiddled with Anika's laptop. “There's probably a huge wedding contract coming our way.”

“Which one?” Shruti asked, munching on the chips Anika had managed to serve.

“Shivaay Singh Oberoi and Mallika Chaudhary.” Rohit mumbled, a little distracted.

Saumya coughed a little, looking at Anika who made a face. “Article bhej na.”

Rohit nodded and took out his phone, Anika's phone pinging instantly. She, in turn, forwarded it to Shivaay.

“Is wedding on the cards for the Oberois and Chaudhrys.”

Shivaay: Oh, I'd sure like to see their take on this when Mallika comes back from Bali.


Shivaay: Well...

I'd also like to see their take on this in case they get to know what happened *after* I met with Mallika. Particularly last night.

Come on, you ignore me everytime!

Before she could reply, however, her phone was taken away from her and kept far from her reach.

“You're going to be stuck to it all day, anyway. Just please try sparing us some of your time. I am wasting my free day on you.” Shruti rolled her eyes.

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