chapter xlvi

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chapter xlvi. Hope?

You cannot really blame Shivaay for hoping against hope that Anika would be standing outside the hospital and scream, "Haha, gotcha!" at him when he reached. Unfortunately, that did not happen.

With the pit in his stomach, he sure could think of all the worst-case scenarios. Should he have called Gauri instead of coming by himself? He knew Gauri must be asleep, Om did say the summit was exhausting.

He didn't want to worry her unnecessarily but what if Anika was in a serious condition? Shivaay, think positively. She is Anika. Nothing could possibly happen to her. Not now.

Shivaay wasn't sure he had ever rushed so much in his life but the idea of Anika's life being in danger had his heart in his mouth. When he reached the receptionist, she looked at him in worry.

"You are here for?"

"Anika Trivedi. Someone called me and said she was in an accident."

The nurse looked around and spotted a sheet, nodding. "Neha will take you to her." She rang the bell and a timid looking nurse walked to the station, looking at the two of them curiously.

"He is here for Anika, room 508."

The nurse smiled a little. "You must be here Mr. Shivaay. Come with me."

Neha looked oddly calm which bugged Shivaay.

"Is Anika-"

"She'll need lots of rest for at least a month or two but -"

Neha paused, knocking on the door with a 508 plate. Shivaay took a deep breath, preparing himself for the worst.

Neha only slightly opened the door, peeping in. Shivaay heard her say, "Your husband is here."

He could've corrected her but he was too busy hoping Anika was okay. Maybe being addressed like that didn't really bother him anyway.

From the other side of the door, he heard a loud, "I am not even fucking married Neha. Do you see anything that would suggest otherwise?"

Shivaay had never thought hearing those words in that order would bring him such a relief. Anika was okay enough to reply, right?

Neha pushed the door open and Shivaay came across Anika sitting on the bed with a frown on her face.

"Who did you end up calling?"

When she finally saw Shivaay, her eyes widened. "Why do you think I am married to him?"

Neha looked at the two of them curiously. "Well... Your phone contact says Shivaay'ji'. As far as I know, some women address their husbands like that. Plus, he was in your recents a lot."

Anika rolled her eyes. "Neha, Neha, Neha." She then turned to Shivaay. "You didn't have to come."

Shivaay folded his hands across his chest, pressing his lips together. "How did you get hurt?"

Anika smiled awkwardly. "Well, you know, I talked to you on the phone, right?"

Shivaay nodded.

"I was going down the staircases and two workers were coming upstairs. Mrs. Goyal started her house renovations last week."

Shivaay furrowed his brows. "What?"

"Oh well, so they were carrying this huge sofa. I was thinking about..." Anika trailed off. "Well, you, because you were upset with me. I was scrolling to the top because you sent quite some messages." Anika smiled a little.

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