chapter xxxvi

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caution: filler alert :)

chapter xxxvi. Winks and Hearts

Gauri, by now, should have learnt that coming home to Shivaay and Anika will always be surprising. This time, it was just her walking into the kitchen for a glass of water when she saw the two of them resting against the kitchen cabinets, Anika's head on Shivaay's shoulder and his on her head. Around them, Gauri could see Anika had emptied the entire kitchen. Plus, the empty ice-cream tubs in the sink.

She smiled, clicking a picture and sending it to Om.

Shivaay Bhaiya and Anika Di really like sleeping together it seems😗

By experience, Gauri knew even if she tried waking Anika up, it would be Shivaay who did so she decided to simply leave them there.


Shivaay stirred in his sleep when he heard a light ringtone. He frowned at the direct evening sunlight hitting his face and groaned when he realised his lower back pained. Where even was he?

He felt the weight on his shoulder and turned to find a very calm Anika. Shivaay smiled at how peaceful she looked.

"Guess rare things are pretty interesting." Shivaay mumbled to himself with a smile.

He wanted to move but wasn't sure Anika would appreciate herself suddenly dropping on the floor. He looked around, it was still dark. Nobody was around.

Shivaay sighed, carefully pushing Anika away from the counter before putting his arms under her knees and shoulders. Managing to navigate without falling, Shivaay placed her on her bed before walking out of the room, only to see Gauri smiling at him from her door.

Shivaay pursed his lips. Of course.

Gauri smiled for a second before she remembered something. "Varun called me for some reason. He said he really wanted to talk to Anika di and apologize for what happened at lunch? What exactly happened?"

"Oh, Anika's phone must be around, I don't know. As for what happened... Well, Misha invited him to the lunch?"

"Does she know you and Anika Di aren't dating?" Gauri's eyes widened.

"No, I don't think so. Anyway, Varun and Anika talked and I think he was upset because he thought Anika and I were actually dating."

"Are you?" Gauri raised an eyebrow, crossing her hands across her chest.

"What? No! Why would you?" Shivaay furrowed his brows.

Gauri shrugged. "I had to ask."

"That's crazy." Shivaay rolled his eyes, moving to the kitchen again. He picked up his discarded coat, looking around for his phone and car keys.

Gauri wss confused when he turned around all of a sudden. "There are three more ice-cream tubs and please eat at least some of it before your crazy sister does."

Gauri laughed as Shivaay shut the door. Well, now nothing was stopping her from waking Anika up. So off she went, jumping into the bed, almost atop Anika.

"What the fuck!" Anika mumbled pushing Gauri off of her.

"Hi Di!" Gauri chirpily sat on the bed.

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