chapter xvii

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chapter xvii. At This Rate

Anika quietly opened the door, hoping that Gauri had slept already. The lights were switched off and Anika sighed. She had spent the entrie day with her friend because she knew news travels fast. Especially with the Oberois.

She headed to the kitchen to drink water when the door to the house was flung open once again, revealing her over-excited sister. “Di!”

Anika frowned. “Where did you just come from?” she walked to the living room and spotted Om standing nervously behind Gauri. “Isse kya hua?”

Gauri looked at Om expectantly who in turn gave her a pleading look. Gauri shook her head. Before Om could reply in yet another expression, Anika cleared her throat.

“I am really tired so you could continue this later. First tell me what is it.”

“Anika Di,” Om began, “actually,”

“Om, when did you start calling me Di? I feel old.” Anika innocently blinked her eyes. Of course they wanted something from her. Anika could have some fun at least.

“Okay, Anika.” Om stuttered and Anika fake yawned.

“Di, stop!” Gauri chided and looked at him encouragingly.

“Well, I wanted to take Gauri out.” Om smiled nervously.

“This is something you ask the family long before you begin kissing her in their kitchen.” Anika crossed her arms across her chest and both Gauri and Om looked at her with open mouths.

“I mean, not take her out as in dating but I want to take her to Mussorie.” Om meekly spoke.

Anika looked at them curiously. Deciding to take pity on her boyfriend who seemed scared of Anika whenever she played 'elder sister', Gauri walked to Anika and side hugged her.

“Di, Om had been working with artisans from Mussorie for a rather large business. Trying to expand Oberoi business and help them earn as well. They recently had a huge contract completed and Om wanted to go visit them and personally thank them. Tej Uncle's idea, actually.”

Anika nodded. “A business trip requires an assistant.”

“And we also know that you won't only regard this as a business trip.” Om smiled sheepishly.

Anika laughed along. “Well, I guess I'll have to let you take her. Just make sure she is safe because Gauri has a history of returning with broken bones from trips.”

Relief washed over Om's face. “So, I guess it's only your parents that need to be told about it, then.”

“I'll talk to them.” Anika reassured. “Now can I sleep?”

Gauri, sensing that her work was done now, smiled slyly. “Are you going to sleep or dream about someone?”

Anika looked at her in fake confusion, hoping that her sister would be mindful. There was a guy. Who also happens to be brother to the guys sje was probably going to tease her with.

“What are you talking about?”

“Don't pretend in front of me. I know you just as well as I know myself, I am sure my meaning isn't lost one you. What is up with you and Shivaay Bhaiya?” she giggled and Anika saw Om smiling a bit himself. The nerves of these two.

“Well, there is absolutely nothing.”

“Didn't seem like that when Choti Maa narrated how Shivaay looks absolutely 'in love' with you and how you bring out the best on him.”

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