chapter xix

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chapter xix. That Night

Anika and Gauri walked outside, smiling at the brothers awkwardly. Anika was pissed at Gauri, no doubt. That was no way of waking anyone up!

Rudra was the first one to notice them and grinned widely, jumping to his feet. Anika smiled a bit genuinely and walked to the kitchen, followed by Rudra and Shivaay.

“Promise me you are never waking me up like that.” Om was behind Gauri, chuckling.

“You guys weren't supposed to see that, okay? Waking her up is impossible and I didn't want Shivaay Bhaiya to get angry. She is going to kill me anyway, I don't think I'll be alive to leave for Mussorie.” Gauri frowned and looked at him with a pout. He pecked her lips and pushed her with his shoulder.

“That is if they don't kill each other first.” Om reassured her and walked to the kitchen as well.

“Instant noodles really are the better option.” Gauri heard Anika almost shout and hurried inside.

“They are not food!" Shivaay sighed. “If you wanted to cook instant noodles, what am I even supposed to do here.”

“Teach me how to cook?” Anika shrugged.

“This is truly an insult to my cooking.”

“And if we cook anything else, it truly is a waste of my time.”

“Anika Di, stop annoying him.” Gauri said, only to receive a glare from her sister.

“Fine. Let's cook a nice meal for five because we have absolutely all the time in the world.” Anika stepped down. Loving Gauri was troublesome for her image.


Twenty minutes in and Gauri was beginning to regret siding with Shivaay. If they had gone ahead with instant noodles (which she was sure Anika would have convinced him by now), she wouldn't have to watch these two argue every two seconds.

'Let's make paneer.'

'Paneer butter masala.'

'No, shahi paneer.'

'Desert means gajar ka halwa.'

'No, fondue.'

Every item on today's lunch menu had been argued upon, mostly based on who was more dedicated to argue for their choice. It had nothing to do with taste because Anika would definitely agree for chocolate, no matter what was offered against it. Right now, Gauri was sure Shivaay will never find someone for himself if Anika was to help him. They couldn't fucking agree!

On the other hand, her dearest boyfriend and Rudra were busy enjoying this verbal game of toss. She had never seen her jatadhari so amused, except when she had something rolled up her sleeve. A little nudge on the shoulder and Gauri looked at him with a frown. Thinking for a few seconds, Gauri interrupted.

“Di! I just remembered!”

“Remembered what?”

“You never told me about your date with Varun.”

Anika looked at her for a few seconds before replying, “I'd keep it to myself.”

“That is not fair!”

“I am sure it was amazing, wasn't it Anika?” Shivaay quipped, with the hint of a smirk. “Idiot and weirdo, spotted by my mom,”

“What?” Rudra raised an eyebrow.

“My pretend girlfriend was spotted by my very real mother, having a real date with a real weirdo.”

“And handsome.”

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