chapter xxxv

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chapter xxxv. Absolutely

Varun's face was passive and Anika's white. There were too many ways things could go south and there was possibly no way in which neither Shivaay nor she would be humiliated.

Anika didn't know if she was supposed to choose. She looked at Shivaay who looked as confused as her, if not more.

Varun turned to Misha with a small smile. “Well, let's get that table.”

Misha grinned. “I'll go check where the waitress went.”

Shivaay looked at them awkwardly for a second befor excusing himself. He gave Anika a look that was probably supposed to be meaningful but... The meaning was lost on Anika.

“So...” Varun began, chuckling. “I mean, I know you haven't really valued me ever since we were kids and come on, I get it Shivaay Singh Oberoi is definitely more handsome and much more rich but I never really took you for someone who'd play with someone like that. You could have simply told me the first time we met, Varun, I have a boyfriend and just am not ready to tell me parents. You could have gone about this a hundred different ways but leading me on was a terrible thing to do. I expected better, Anika.”

“It's not that-” Anika tried explaining but Misha was back, looking at them in question.

“Where did Shivaay go?”

Anika sighed. “He'll be here, we should go in.”

That, they did. A table near one of their large glass window panels, water flowing on the other side like an artificial waterfall.

Misha and Varun began discussing a little about their individual ideas and all Anika could do was avoid Varun's gaze whenever he turned towards her. Anika took out her phone.

Okay, where are you?

I am right outside, wondering if it's a nice idea to come in.

Oh please I am definitely not dealing with this alone.

It was your dearest best friend who put us in this situation.

Ugh, what are we even going to do?

Idk. You come in here quick or I am about to start crying.

Wait what?

Did Varun say something to you?


Anika scratched the back of her ear, picking up the menu in front of her. She smiled at Misha who giggled a little.

“Of course, we shouldn't be talking business. I mean, the entire point of this was for me to get to know my friend's girlfriend and a potential business partner.”

Shivaay came in, looking slightly worried. Anika smiled at him innocently making him roll his eyes.

He sat down, not before whispering “Evil.” in Anika's ears making her grin.

This, however, didn't go unnoticed by either of their lunch companions. One looked at them affectionately and the other pressed his lips together, looking away.

Anika realised this was going to be the most awkward lunch of her entire life.


Anika had thought, Varun's words wouldn't affect her much but apparently, that wasn't true. It had been exactly 27 minutes since Varun and Anika stood by themselves and somehow Anika's guilt kept piling up every minute.

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