chapter liv

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chapter liv. A Thank You

Gauri, to her credit, had managed to convince everyone to eat as well. It hadn't been that difficult, considering the Oberois were all hungry after their tiring efforts in the kitchen. Of course, the Trivedi sisters didn't have a dining table like the Oberois so they were all scattered around the living room, engaged in their own conversations.

Anika was sitting on the dining table, directly able to view the kitchen where Rudra and Shivaay were having a quiet argument. Shivaay had discarded his coat and rolled up his sleeves, looking too good for Anika to not stare. She could, right?

Pinky came and sat next to Anika, patting her back lightly.

"So, how do you like the food?" Pinky asked, the smile not having left her face the entire evening.

"It's all so good, I have no idea how I am going to actually, you know, choose a winner."

Pinky laughed. "It's okay. I am sure you'll find a way."

Anika faked a cry. "Didn't know you'd betray me like this."


There was silence as Anika took another bite from the delicious gravy. Rudra smiled at Anika before heading outside, sitting next to his father. Shivaay came and sat next to Anika, smiling at both the ladies.

“How did you manage to keep her distracted for all that time and then finally told her, right outside the door?” Pinky frowned.

Shivaay looked at Anika awkwardly. “Turns out, Anika can really believe anything she wants to.” He gave her a winning smile.

Anika rolled her eyes. “He troubles me a lot.”

“I do not!” Shivaay frowned.

“Oh you do.” Anika said.

“I thought the two of you were the kind of couples that never fought.” Pinky sighed. She got up, mumbling to herself how she could not spend the day shouting "cease-fire".

“Imagine us, not fighting.” Anika snorted, turning to Shivaay again.

Shivaay smiled. “Imagine us, a couple.”

Anika stared at him with a blank look. Was he asking? Or was he teasing? Or was he just commenting? Seeing her utterly confused, Shivaay laughed a little. “Eat.”

Anika meekly nodded, going back to the food. “Okay you tell me, how do I select a winner? Won't everyone else feel bad?”

“Oh that's not really going to be a problem. The food obviously has not been made team-wise.” Shivaay shrugged.

“What does that mean?” Anika asked, taking another bite.

“Well, obviously Mom and Dad were in charge of the main course and Bade Papa and Badi Maa of the appetizers, which is why we have a heavy Indian gravy and two Italian appetizers. The cheese one was supposed to be simple but Mom must have suggested a tangy taste so she whipped up a sauce to complement it. The paneer one's vegetables are badly chopped which means Bade Papa was at work there. Also, in case you can, please tell that he should try chopping more finely. I would but he kind of scares me.

The gravy is a lot less spicier than Mom's taste which means Badi Maa interuppted and saved it from being hell's special dish. The chapatis, some of them are extremely round which is Bade Papa's work while most of them barely pass as geometrical shapes, that is all Dad. Which leaves Om and Dadi to the soups, Rudra to his fruit punch of course. The dessert is probably Gauri's doing so it is most definitely your favourite item in today's menu. You could simply offend your sister. In case you still don't want to take any chances, mix a little alcohol in Rudra's fruit punch. Although, if you do that, please tell me so I can stop Om, Rudra and Dadi from having it. Those two will help me drive everyone back home.”

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