2-The Fascinations

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I looked back over to Michael, "Hey, can I ask you something?"

"Sure, what's up?" said Michael.

"This is something I've always wanted to do.." I said.

"Um, should I be scared?" Michael asked, the other boys laughing.

"No, it's nothing bad." I said.

"Okay what is it?" questioned Michael.

"Okay, erm...." I stuttered kind of nervous.

"JUST SPIT IT OUT!" Ashton yelled.

"Could I touch your hair?" I finally asked.

"My hair?" Michael said confused.

"His hair!?" Ashton and Calum both yelled simultaneously.

"Yea, I've kind of always been fascinated by it. There's something about each of you that fascinates me." I explained.

"Well what fascinates you about the rest of us?" Ashton curiously asked, smirking.

"Well..." I said nervously.

"Oh, c'mon, you can tell us. We'll let you touch them." said a joking Luke while elbowing me.

"Well for Michael it's his hair. Luke is his lip ring. Calum is his legs. And Ashton. erm... it's nothing bad but I want it to be a surprise..." I replied.

They all looked at me puzzled.

"I'm up for a surprise!" said Ashton flashing a cheeky grin, his adorable dimples unable to hide.

"Alright then, give it a go." said Calum.

I ran my finger through Michael's hair, drawing it out to make it longer. Luke cleared his throat and I moved on and touched his lip ring and jumped as the cold metal kind of scared me. Luke giggled and I felt his tongue pressed against the inside of his lip. I giggled and moved onto Cal's calves.

"They're so muscular." I mumbled, all the boys laughing at me as I realized that I had said that out loud.

I finally got to Ashton and stared at him for a bit.

He smiled at me and said, "Well?"

"Close your eyes and let me see your wrist." I said.

Ashton closed his eyes and I took out a Sharpie, drawing a butterfly on his wrist and took a deep breath.

"Alright Ashton, you can look." I told him.

He smiled at the butterfly, "But what is this for?" He asked confused.

"Well I used to cut myself, as I know you used to as well, and I know you've been getting a bunch of hate lately, and I may be nothing but a fan, but I want you to know that I care about you and don't ever want you to hurt yourself like that again. You have too much to live for and it's just a temporary thing. Ashton you are an inspiration to me. I had thought about starting to cut again and then I discovered this amazing band and it was like all the darkness in my life just disappeared. You guys are like my sunshines when skies are gray. And..." I trailed off looking into Ashton's big, brown eyes.

"Ash, are you crying?" asked Calum.

"No, there's just someth-" Calum giving Ashton a harsh look. "Okay yes."

"Oh, I'm sorry Ashton." I said, biting my lip out of guilt.

"No, don't be. That is the sweetest thing I have ever heard." Ashton said smiling and hugging me.

I smiled, a big, idiotic smile, silently fangirling to myself. Ashton pulled away and we just had a casual conversation as the other guys were too.

After about 20 minutes of just hanging out with them, "So um, you're pretty cool. Do you think umm..."

Michael got cut off by Calum, "Oooh, Michael gone get him some digits."

Michael blushed a bright red as I laughed with the other boys. I then saw how red Michael was and snagged his phone.

"So I can expect a text then?" I asked.

"Huh?" Michael said puzzled not realizing that I had his phone.

"Here" I handed him his phone, "I hope you'll text me." I said flashing a cheesy grin.

"Oooooh" howled the other 3 boys. I got up and started to leave to return to the concert.

"WAIT!" screamed Ashton. I poked my head back in the room.

"Yes?" I said.

"You should stay a bit longer!" whined Ashton.

"Why do you want me to stay so bad?" I asked in a teasing tone.

"Well...erm...uh..." Ashton stuttered.

"SPIT IT OUT IRWIN!" I screamed back at him the same way he did earlier.

"Well I don't know, you're really cool." Ashton said blushing. I just giggled.

"Hmm, I guess I have some time to kill." I said teasing.

Luke, Michael, and Calum laughed. Just then the door opened.

A/N: I really hope you guys are enjoying this. Please leave comments about what you think so far.

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