17-The First Night Apart

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"So what's up, Amy?" Luke asked winking.

"Just hanging out with Shawna. What about you?" Amy said smiling really big.

"Well he's obviously hanging out with the most amazing guy ever making me totally jealous that I'm not there!" I answered for Luke.

Luke busted out laughing. He laughed for a good solid 5 minutes before he finally stopped.

"That was hilarious Shawna." Luke said still giggling.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Michael asked.

"It's just a joke, Mike gosh." Luke scoffed as Amy and I both laughed as Michael's door opened once again.

"Look I found him!" Calum shouted walking in with Ashton.

"So where was he?" I asked laughing.

"I found him watching Spongebob on the couch." Calum giggled.

"Who lives in a pineapple under the sea!?" I shouted.

"Spongebob Squarepants" Ashton yelled back us both laughing.

"So who is your friend?" Ashton asked.

"This is Amy." I said.

"Hey Amy!" Ashton shouted.

"Ashton, inside voice!" I yelled joking.

"So what are you guys up to tonight?" I asked them all.

"We had a night off so figured we'd spend it just hanging out together." Calum said.

"Oh, that's cool." Amy said.

"What about you girls?" Ashton asked.

"Well I came to see how Shawna was doing. I hadn't heard from her since the night of your concert and I had read all kinds of rumors on twitter so I wanted to make sure she was alright. And now here we are." Amy said smiling and laughing at the end.

"That's a great mate you got there, Shawna." Ashton said.

"That rhymed!" I said laughing.

"So what about you, Shawna? What were you gonna do tonight?" Ashton asked still wanting to make sure I was alright after earlier.

"I was just gonna stay in, maybe play a few video games. Kind of chill after the funfilled weekend I had with you guys." I said smiling.

"You're a gamer? What games?" Luke asked surprised.

"I like to play madden, grand theft auto, sometimes a little call of duty, and Mario." I said.

"Michael, you got yourself a pretty awesome girl!" Ashton practically screamed.

I laughed.

"Yeah, I know." Michael said smiling.

"You better hold on to her." Luke said.

"Oh, don't worry. I'm never gonna let her go." Michael said smiling.

"I love you, Cupcake." I said smiling.

"I love you too, Princess." Michael said smiling.

"Oh gross! You guys get a room!" Calum whined.

"Well we kind of had one then everyone came in." I said laughing.

Ashton, Luke, and Calum laughed too.

"Oh darn, it's getting late, I better go." Amy said.

I walked her to the door and hugged her.

"I'll talk to you later." I told her as she walked out the door.

"Shawna, got me in the mood for games. Calum wanna go play fifa?" Luke said.

"Ohh, you're on!" Calum said as they both left the room.

"They're such nerds." I giggled.

"Hey, I'll be right back sweetie. I gotta go to the bathroom." Michael said.

"Okay darling." I said smiling.

Michael left the room.

"So are you doing alright?" Ashton asked in a serious tone, I knew he was talking about the tweets.

"Yea, I'm fine, Ashton. Don't worry about me." I said smiling.

"Good. And I'm always gonna worry about you when it comes to hate. I was the same way at first with hate, so I cut myself and I don't want you to do the same. Don't forget your butterfly." Ashton said as he showed me his wrist where you could just barely see the butterfly I drew on his wrist a few days back.

"I won't Ashton." I said smiling.

Michael came back in the room.

"Are you okay? You look like you're about to cry. Ashton, what did you do!?" Michael said.

"No sweetie. Don't be mad at Ash, those are happy tears in my eyes. Ashton was just being sweet and asking me how I was feeling after all of the hate." I said smiling.

Michael smiled and hugged Ashton.

"Awe Ash, I knew you were a big softie." Michael said teasing Ashton and laughing.

"I can't have my friend in any pain." Ashton said.

Ashton gave out one long and loud yawn.

"Well I think I'm gonna go to bed." Ashton said as he got up and stretched.

"Good night, Ash." I said.

"Good night, guys." Ashton said as he left the room.

"So are you really alright baby?" Michael asked concerned.

"Yeah, I'm fine sweetie." I told him.

"I love you." Michael said.

"I love you too." I said smiling at Michael.

"Why does my birthday have to be so far away? I just miss you so much and I just can't wait to see you." I whined.

"I know, sweetie. It'll just zoom by." Michael said. I could tell he was faking his smile most likely because he wants to see me just as bad.

I yawned.

"Are you tired, sweetie?" Michael asked.

"A little bit." I said.

"Go to sleep, honey." Michael said smiling, not faking it this time.

"No, I wanna talk to you a little bit longer." I argued with him.

"Awe, but sweetie you're tired." Michael said sympathetically.

"But I would rather talk to my Cupcake." I said smiling.

"Fine." Michael gave in.

"I love you so much, you're so caring." I said still smiling.

"Well of course. You're my Princess." Michael said smiling really big.

A moment of silence passed. As my eyes became droopy I could hear Michael humming. I noticed as my eyes got heavier he began to sing.

"I'm dreaming of a place that's 3,000 miles away. Feels like it's forever. Seems like yesterday we were running 'round town together." Michael sang.

I immediately recognized it as 3,000 miles by Emblem3. One of my favorite songs and one that made me think of Michael.

"Sweetie?" I said half asleep.

"Yes Princess?" he asked.

"Why did you pick that song to sing?" I asked.

"Oh uh, I don't know. It just makes me think of you and how much I miss you. Why do you not like it?" Michael said nervously.

"No, I love it. I've always loved it. I just thought it was kind of funny that you picked that song to sing because it always makes me think of you." I explained.

Michael continued singing and I shortly fell asleep.

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