30-The Release

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I walked out of the room so I could talk to Luke privately.

"Luke, please come back. I need you."

"Michael I just can't. I gotta give her space. How is she supposed to remember ever being with you if I'm around?" Luke said. I could tell he had begun to cry.

"Luke please just wait for us at Shawna's house. They're releasing her in a few hours and we both want you there. Luke. I need you." I had begun to cry. "You're the only one who can comfort me when I feel like this. Just please Luke?"

"Fine. I'm at Shawna's now. I guess I'll just wait here for you." Luke groaned.

"Thank you Luke, I really don't know what I would do without you." I said as I wiped away a few tears.

We hung up and I walked back into Shawna's room and a doctor followed me.

"Well you don't have any concussions and we're releasing you." The doctor said. I was so glad.


1 hour later.

"I think I'm gonna change out of these gross hospital clothes." Shawna said.

"Okay sweetie." I said.

Normally I would have kissed her but I don't know. It's like ever since I found out she thought she was dating Luke I've been kind of laid back with the displays of affection, I'm not really sure why. I just feel insecure about everything now...

"MICHAEL?!" I heard Shawna yell from her room.

I got up and walked to her door.

"Yes?" I said through the door.

"Can you come in here?"

I opened the door and walked in and saw her still in her hospital gown sitting on the bed. She looked so sad. I quickly walked over and sat beside her, placing my arm around her waist.

"Princess what's wrong?" I asked worried.

"I don't know. This song came on and I really like it but it made me cry."

I stopped and gave the song a listen.

"Seems like yesterday we were running around town together"

3,000 miles. It was our song. She remembered our song. It made me start to cry. I wrapped both of my arms around her tight. It made me happy, maybe her memory was starting to comeback.

"Why are you crying?"

"Sweetie these are happy tears. This is our song and you remembered it. That makes me happy, your memory might be coming back." I said smiling.

"Really?" she asked.


"I just remembered it always made me feel sad and had something to do with you." she said.

"That was the song we would listen to when I'm on tour and we missed each other." I explained.

"Oh. Well maybe my memory is starting to come back." She said smiling.

"Yeah, well I guess I'll leave you to get ready." I said as I walked to the door.


I turned around.

"Come here." she said walking in the closet.

I followed her. "What's wrong sweetie?" I asked.

"I'm not sure what I would wear normally." She sounded so helpless.

"Well do you just wanna be comfy?" I asked and she nodded her head.

"Well that's your favorite sweatshirt and you always wear those sweatpants." I said pointing to a pair of pants and sweatshirt that was actually mine that she stole. I always loved when she wore it. It was way oversized and hung really loosely on her and it was just so cute.

She grabbed the clothes and I joined the guys back in the living room.

"Is everything okay?" Luke asked, he was probably worried about me.

"It's all fine. Guys, SHE REMEMBERED OUR SONG!" I screamed. I was just so happy.

"Ah! That's great mate! Do you think her memory is coming back?" Calum said.

"I really hope so." I said smiling.

"So while you guys were at the hospital I talked to Adam and I told him about what happened with Shawna." Luke said smirking.

"Okay and?" Ashton asked confused.

"He transferred our recording session to Houston so we'll be able to stay here with Shawna for another 2 weeks. Hopefully her memory is back by then." Luke said smiling.

"YOU'RE GONNA BE BACK FOR ANOTHER 2 WEEKS!?" Shawna said excitedly.

"Yep." Luke said happily.

She ran up and attacked me with a hug. I lost my balance and fell onto the couch and laughed.

"Well someone is happy." I said smiling.

"I remembered something!"

The guys looked at us.

"What!?" Calum excitedly shouted.

"Well first off I remembered I love doing this with my cupcake." She said grabbing my shirt and kissing me. It really surprised me because it was so sudden. I could hear the guys giggling. When she pulled away I pulled her into my lap and smiled. "And I remember our first date and how you asked me to be your girlfriend and how these losers almost ruined it." she said pointing at the guys and laughing.

"Awee! That's so cute!" Calum shouted!

Sometimes I really thought Calum was more excited about our relationship than we were.

I then felt my phone buzzing in my pocket. I took it out of my pocket, it was a text from Luke. "Take her out tonight! Just the 2 of you! Make it a night to remember! I'll keep the guys busy tonight;) you 2 have fun but not too much lol" I laughed to myself a bit. I whispered in her ear, "babe wanna go out tonight? Just us for a date night?"

"Yes!" she shouted. It was cute the way she lit up when she said it. The guys just looked at her confused because they couldn't hear me whispering.

"We're going to have a date night." I explained.

"Ooooh!" Calum cooed.

"While these 2 love birds have date night what do you guys say to having a guys night? We can go bowling again." Luke suggested.

"Ooh that sounds fun!" Ashton agreed.

A/N: For those who don't know, Adam is 5sos' manager.

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