33-The Second First Date

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We walked to the host podium and a the hostess almost fainted. I was a bit confused.

"Are you okay?" I asked quickly catching her before she fell onto the floor. I helped her back to her feet.

"OH MY GOSH! D-DO YOU K-KNOW WHO YOU ARE?!" The hostess screamed drawing everyone's attention to us. Thankfully no one else seems to know who I was.

"Sweetie calm down. He's just a person like you and me." Shawna said trying to relax the girl. She finally got it together and showed us to a booth in the back of the restaurant, away from everyone else. Then I took a few pictures with her and signed her phone before she took our drink order and left to get our server.

A tall, skinny guy came back with our drinks and took our order.

"So you don't happen to remember today's date do you?" I asked.

"It's September 30. Why?" She asked. I really didn't think she would remember why this date was imp

"WAIT! OH MY HOOD! BABY ITS SEPTEMBER 30! BABY TODAY MAKES EXACTLY A MONTH SINCE WE STARTED DATING!" She shouted as she kissed me. I smiled so big. She did remember. I was so happy. I couldn't express it.

"Baby! You're starting to remember more!" I said as I pulled her in for another kiss. This one much slower and filled with passion. I really wanted to cry, that's how happy I was. I felt a tear slip down my face.

"What's wrong baby?" she asked, wiping it away.

"Nothing baby. It was a happy tear." I said smiling from ear to ear.

The waiter came back with our food and I kissed her once more before we ate.


I paid and we walked back to the car. It was still early in the night and neither of us were ready to go home. I drove us to the beach. We left our shoes in the car and I rolled the bottom of my pants up as we walked along the shore holding hands. The waves crashed upon our feet and the sun set behind us as we walked. I knew Shawna was a sucker for romance and honestly so was I so this moment could not be any more perfect. We walked for a while, in silence just enjoying each other's company. Then one wave came in hard and knocked us both over. I landed on top.

"You come here often?" I joked, helping Shawna back up as she giggled.

"Now I'm cold!" she shouted.

"C'mon sweetie." I said leading her back to the car. I felt kind of bad, she was soaked, while I, for the most part, was dry. I looked in the back of the car and gave her a sweatshirt I had put there. We got in the car and drove back to her house.

The guys were still gone. We walked to Shawna's room and found some dry clothes.

"Cupcake can you help? I can't reach the zipper." she said pointing towards the back of her dress. I walked over and unzipped it for her. We hadn't been alone together since her accident and I still wasn't sure how she felt.

"Do you want me to change in the bathroom?" I asked.

"Sweetie, no. It's fine." She said smiling and removing the soaked dress from her body. I proceeded to take off my tie and unbutton my shirt to take it off. I turned around to find Shawna right behind me.

"Oh goodness sweetie! You scared me!" I said.

"Awe. I'm sorry sweetie." she said hugging me. I could feel her soaked bra and underwear against my skin. I wrapped my arms around her tight. I could feel chill bumps all over her body. I felt so bad. I knew she was freezing. I felt her reach up and our lips connected. As we kissed she pushed me back. Before long I fell back into the bed and she climbed on me, kissing me again and running her hand down my torso. I pulled out lips apart.

"Baby, are you sure you wanna do this?" I asked and she nodded her head.

"Okay, I'll be right back baby." I said kissing the top of her head and then walked to the bathroom. I grabbed a condom out of the top drawer and then grabbed my phone out of my pocket. I texted Luke and let him know what was going on so they wouldn't come back too soon and walked back in the room. She was still laying on the bed. I climbed into the bed next to her.

"Are you s-- " I was cut off by her kissing me and unbuttoning my pants. I guess that was a sign she was sure and really wanted to.

A/N: I couldn't get this song out of my head while writing this.

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